Excerpts from the PRESIDENTS Report to the Board All divisions of the College now have Capital and Operating Expenditure plans for the current fiscal year. In October, a review of our budget status will be provided to the 8oard, together with recommendations from the Management Committee regarding any rolling adjustments that have to be made at that time. Work is progressing in the Applied Programs Division on a meeting with Ministry officials regarding future applied programs, with emphasis on the engineering-related fields. The base document for that meeting was reviewed with the Education and Services Committee last week. The Applied Programs Division have also devised a system for handling substitute and contract instructor hirings and a management, that has been adopted by all divisions of the ‘ollege. _ The Academic Studies Division is completing its final registra- tionsand course adjustments. A divisional statement of philosophy, goals, and objectives is almost complete. Of 210 sections offered in the Academic Studies Division, around 7% were cancelled due to low enrollment. Of the remaining sections, enrollment levels are very good; 25 - 30% are full with waiting lists, and less than 20% of the sections now operating have less than 50% of scheduled enrollment. Most of these latter courses are 2nd year or service courses to other groups. Community Programs are on the point of registration throughout the College district. Both the CAIMAW Adult Education Project and the Lakeside Project with the B.C. Correction Service are on the point of implementation. More information will be available to the Board in due course through reports from the Community Programs and Services Division, although we would be pleased to answer any questions from Board members at this time. The Educational and Student Services Division mas had a busy month, with our new student enrollment and registration systems. A procedures manual is in production at this time, which will provide the beginnings of a College-wide reference for all employees... in addition, a style manual for advertising is in production. Mr. : DellaMattia chaired a very successful workshop on the "Sunset Clause” of the Colleges and Institutes Act last week. He devoted a con- siderable amount of time to analysis and preparation for the workshon and as a direct result of his activities it was a very high quality educational experience for the entire administration. Notice > READING SKILLS FOR PROFESSIONALS AND BUSINESSPERSONS “Looking to increase your work re- lated reading volume in less time? Do you want greater concentration, comprehension and recall too? Then sign up for "READING SKILLS FOR PROFESSIONALS & BUSINESSPERSONS. The course starts Tuesday September 22, through to November 3, Time: 7-9 p.m. Place: Room N105. To sign up please call: Sherry Ladbrook, Reading/Study Skills Consultant, Douglas College, New Westminster, Local 243. MAD HATTER PAGE 2 . . The Director of Physical Plant and Site Services, has been coping with the immediate results of severe budget cuts in his area, the full impact of which haveyet to be felt by the College. It is clear that the standard of cleanliness and maintenance of our existing Physical Plant will be radically reduced this year. A very successful testing program was completed of the pronosed glass concourse roof structure for the new campus. Mr. Graydon is delighted with the results, and authorization has been given to our contractors to commence work on the main structure. All work on the new campus is progressing on or ahead of Schedule, and the budget con- tinues to be well under control. A meeting of the Permanent Campus Project Steering Committee is scheduled for next week, at which time a detailed accounting will be provided regarding the entire nroject. A successful meeting was held with the interested parties, at which time the College formally requested action on the part of the City in releasing to its use the Simcoe Park area, as per the College Board Motion of last Fall. . The meeting was successful, and we can now operate in some confidence that Simcoe Park will become the recreational and P.E. training site that was guaranteec to the College as a condition of its move to downtown New Westminster. Douglas College made a justification of its proposed 1982/83 budget to a joint meeting of the Provincial Councils, and the Ministry Standing Committee. From the administration point of view, it was useful. Our thinking seems to have held up reasonably well under the questioning of both Ministry officials, and members of the Provincial Councils. The observations of the College Board regarding College Philosophy have been returned to the college community for consideration and staffwork. A commentary and recommendations for change of the Collene Philosophy statement, should that be required, will be presented to the Board in mid-October. This statement will orovide the foundation for our 5-Year Educational Plan, As part of my involvement with the Council of Principals, I have been responsible for settina uo a workshop of the council with the Occupational Training Council, to examine mutual problems in operation of the present system. The Occupational Training Council will be turning out and spending the entire day with the colleae principals, so we feel that it will likely be a worthwhile exercise. I have reviewed the remuneration of our current administration, and will be discussing this matter with the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee in due course. I have had a meeting on the United Way Campaign with reoresentative of our three Associations. We have worked out an appropriate plan of action. All three associations have been most co-operative. ‘Mr. Robert Sawka, Director of Personnel, has been of considerable informal assistance. The statement on the impact of funding mechanisms on the adult learner that was approved by the College Board in the Sprinn, was presented by me to the Council of College Principals in August and adopted by them as a position paper. Or. Lloyd Morin, Camosun College, will be working directly with the Data Systems Committee of the Ninistrv of Education, in an attempt to make clear to them the deleterious effects of not recognizing the impact of part-time students in certain programs. In addition, the document itself will be forwarded directly to Dr. Grant Fisher as representing the opinions of the Council of Principals. I hope that the same document will be furthered through the BCAC, thus insuring that the problem is addressed at the political as well as administrative level. On a more personal note, | would like to note that the general tone within the College at this time seems to be one of activity and enthusiasm. I am impressed with the vigour with which the Deans are addressing their responsibilities, and especially with the amount of inter-divisional co-operation and support that is occurring.