GOMMUNITY ‘COLLEGE VWsSK -FORCH REPORT SG. Oty COMMINLeyY Collages, Gstabhlashed @ park or pate Comes solr On Veucation, wis told Gaursaay tie a i Pipecigente sn colleges are people who made & late @ceisia: Perestiee ticks Oidcation. Dr. John Dennison of U.b.Cl* SP see a0 4 Eauvectron said that this incicates smejor responsibil ityvist ayes ronso sone hing about stugents who regard the college 26 mae ea ieee Moree secon chance. “Colleges have been unighe,”™ Bel ead age ee MiLiincdness to cater to pcople not acceptable to the univers ties. Pho a chroo-c2y session to define areas of concern aha playa eetiviticecs the task Force listened also to Dr. Gary Diekinsens Cima rien eee tf woe tlom at ULB.C, Dickinson. said that the c 2 ry be. e a MAGES Bypenced sole in adult education to be played by the colleessr aa: said that ihe inctitutionsl type of approach must give place: to enc haeis Bebra co, CALCKEION to poople wherever they mav be Pewee oenuery, sub-comaittess of the TAs’ Force WP eee Peet. colleges to hear views on current collece cperatten., see. em Peover inscns will be sought from a niwher of Gomsond eye a ee Meeeisete. LE iG eiipected that a workina paper will he meee ee meek Porce chaixvnan Yarel L'Estranac of Buinebe said) Paheecur es ce anda, 7 ex et: Be ae cies AS ae a ee ras Sega ae lk see ‘. aa ae 4 Saas ee Pere eee TeCce Toward Ul, proguct aon O24) ty pine Cet ii wesc Piiemmwoue Wede.ypuelic aiscusulon. Ets Sern ss Cee Leh ee atts We és 4% - " BA Pars oa so ope H x ; tie Tete eet IS We Tesoro rdoe TONS. te SS SRR es Ps ek a ey Eee oo oie > ~ = Lot - q % a Pee cia gies Vaows Of fhe cenerakh wunadhic.