! 3 January 23, 1996 «Well I ain sound familial This resonate through MY apocal ptic ly. l’ve traverse rugs jands and he hand th deities, not that any of this shit holds any eaning Ym just one ¢ a billion wai ing f the great payoff You kno services TeD , ae oured b ‘vy, addicts, to feed the did eagerly frequent eat argumen Pistoric scripture } senessed the en youns i nd heard gF put evermore oor where in | went.” -Eaward Fitzgerald Ed identifying with ones MO et Jobal ynfolding, exratical m sense- ly awaiting oly decadence» We've wit that moment 0 vine intervention. o you {to shine? Not in pictures, put h establishing your unique nature of corruption: Time fuels or anxiety: “prink! for you know not whence you came, nor why prink! for you know not why you 89 where.” - d Fitzgerald lve sowed MY seed of wisdom, and my patience grows weal. Around halo, angels take arms: Theit mysterious aim binds my hunge® Persuasions of stale mate pite my tongue. Soon this timeless wait shall pass: «J sent MY soul through the jnvisible, Some lettet of that after-life to spell: And by 22 by my soul ret ed to me And answ red | myself am eaven nd he u “Eaward Fitzgerald A conscious consolment undermining curiosity: Madness wheels in @ dance, collectin& alongside prudent passers Vy. Modern usi confirm youths’ u determined presence So the next time you ander throug Istanbul, smile and raise & glass; for we've all been here before in Temple of the Lost Outright. by Samuel Schmidt Fight or / ae Ti Slyt = high, one ee ng far, one Yoppl. We etghtless t : the ot. her * it > Oar s twin a soundl caught eSS Sh of ee the maw a . their Fors, SCA j ard to cli ; ing To Nine. oe sti it ské : A € one ipped ancl ie with ee se the wind Mae AB ated roar é al es a : Sell also as by a swill of I OAYIL b