A Queer week, but not at all odd... A week of awareness and fun in Victoria by Tammy Coombes The week of February 13th to the 18th, was Queer Awareness Week at the University of Victoria. The woman in charge of organiz- ing the events was Lisa J. Lander, who is a former Douglas College student. She has now has moved on from our institution to a place of even higher learning. Lisa Was the coordinator of the LGBC, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Collective at Douglas College. Along with her numerous responsibilities here, she had a desire to educate students about queer issues. She organized the Out Loud event which took place at Douglas College a year ago. It was an informative, one day, speeches and workhsops to promote queer awareness combination of both on campus and in the community. It was a great success. Now at UVic, Lisa is the coordi- nator of the LGBA (the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Association). The Queer Awareness Week was her project this year. With this event, she hoped to cre- ate an atmosphere in which other stu- dents at UVic could learn more about queer issues. She feels these issues are often talked about but not accepted by many students. , Monday was the day M.P. Svend Robinson, introduced Queer Awareness Week and expressed the importance of such an event. Booths for Artists for AIDS and other information were set up in the SUB. Later in the evening, there was a screening of the independantly pro- duced lesbian film Go Fish. Wednesday was a day filled with workshops. Some of the topics covered were: AIDS (although this is NOT only a queer concern), homophobia in learn- Kees ¥ Nicola Harwood Struts her Stuff as Love Mitten The Other Press February 25, 1995 ing institutions (concerns of students and instructors), censorship of homo- sexual literature (Little Sisters, etc.), and challenges of studying and re- searching queer issues in a university. To end the day, there were two screenings of erotic films; one for men and one for women. aWARENESs Friday was a day of fun... and learning too!Nicola Harwood per- formed her show - Love Mitten, the Lesbian Aveng- ers’ Vancouver Chapter showed a video entitled, Lisa J. Lander Lesbians Eat Fire II , and to wrap up the week, there was a BIG party.