INSIVE DOUGLAS CULLEGE / rceonuaAris oO, 199U Thomas Haney Centre Architect Peter Rayher from Carlberg Jackson held an informal review workshop at the New Westminster campus last week to discuss plans for the Thomas Haney Centre in Maple Ridge. Fol- lowing this session, and similar ones with the Maple Ridge School District and Municipality, Rayher will finish the concept plans. Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs & Services Division provided the Insider with this up- date on the Thomas Haney Centre: “Over the last few months the planners and architects have been hard at work on the Centre. Progress is being made on a num- ber of fronts. At each step, new les- sons are being learned. Keeping the three partners —Douglas College, School District #42 and the Municipality — all working in unison on a project of this size ($25 to $30 million range) is a real chal- lenge. The good will and close working relationships that we have developed with our partners over the past ten years is a great help now in dealing with the com- plexities of the project. LOCATION AND SITE: The pur- chase of the land for the Centre (just east of “downtown” Maple Ridge on the Lougheed Highway) is close to completion. We pur- chased our portion in December 1988. The School District and the Municipalitity are finishing up the purchase of their portions and ex- pect to be completed by the early Spring. BUILDING AND SITE PLANS: The landscape architects and build- ing architects are working on concept drawings. These will be completed by the end of March. After that, working drawings will be prepared. We hope that the first site preparation work will get un- derway this summer. Construction will take approximately two years. We expect that the building will be in use for September 1992. CURRICULUM: Now that we have an idea of what type of facilities we can expect, each Division and Department can begin to include Thomas Haney in its long range planning. To date we have assumed a university transfer component, a limited range of career/techni- cal/ vocational courses and college preparation activities including adult special education and Developmental Studies. Continuing Education non-credit courses are ex- pected to continue on the cooperative basis now in place with School District 42. An interesting curriculum chal- lenge is in front of us resulting from changes now underway in the School District. The secondary school curriculum for Thomas Haney will be based on an in- dividualized instructional ap- proach, making extensive use of computer-based learning. This is a result of changes introduced by the Ministry of Education (the recent Sullivan Royal Commission Report, Year 2000) and the extensive use of the computer for instruction in School District 42. The secondary school graduates coming to Douglas College at the Thomas Haney Centre will be among the most computer literate in British Columbia. SUPPORT SERVICES: Support ser- vices at the Thomas Haney Centre will focus on support for faculty and students (clerical, registration, advising, library, etc.) Indirect sup- port (accounting, personnel, etc.) will continue to be handled from Royal Avenue. There will be a col- lege administrator resident at the Centre. The descriptions of the various positions and their relation- ships to Royal Avenue will be worked out in detail prior to 1992. The pacsent working RERERaDS will be the starting point. Any chan- ges that are made will be subject to regular college processes." @ Presented by the Douglas College arts exhibition committee Chilean Arpilleras on exhibit A colourful exhibition of Chilean arpilleras is now on display in the Theatre and Library foyers. These contemporary arpilleras are made in the slums of San- tiago and have their roots in Chilean folkart, but, in fact, represent a significant break from it. The small ap- plique wall hangings are created with the explicit pur- (local 5189). w pose of export, in an attempt to establish links with women abroad and draw attention to the unbearable conditions that exist in Chile today. The hangings on display are not for sale, but there is a collection of other arpilleras which are for sale. To see the sale items, contact Helen Rowan in the Library