a OG. ha | = Sp Mad H tte A Douglas College atter | eee August 8, 1980. APPOINTMENTS DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY shoe PRCHIVES I am pleased to announce that Al Atkinson has been appointed Acting Director of Counselling and Student Services, effective August 1, 1980 ... Marilyn Smith The new Douglas College Publicist is Bill Bell who started with the Collegg Tuy 28, 19ยข0.. STUDENT BUILT HOUSE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE: Monday to Friday, August 11 to August 15,1980 Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm daily DEADLINE FOR BIDS: Noon, August 22,1980 918 sq. ft., Liv. Rm., Kitchen, 2 Bdrm., Lndr. Rm.,Bthrm., Truss-shaked roof, pre-stnd. vert. wood siding. Modular type construction can be split in half for transportation. Finished to lock-up stage. Requires r-i electrical, plumbing, insulation & interior finish. House and bid documents located at Douglas College, 9260-140th St., Surrey B.C. Responsibility for moving the house from the present site will rest soley on the purchaser. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Director for the development and management of Guided Independent Study at The University of British Columbia. The program consists of forty-five degree-credit correspondence courses and several certificate and non-credit programs. = More =