THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O, Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 liditor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus] Notice Board . IMPORTANT WOULD ANY PERSON WHO MADE PAYMENT BY CHEQUE FOR PURCHASES FROM THE NEW WESTMINSTER BOOK- STORE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1977, PLEASE PLACE A STOP-PAYMENT AGAINST THIS CHEQUE WITH YOUR BANK AND ISSUE. A REPLACEMENT CHEQUE § TO THE BOOKSTORE IN RESPECT TO THIS PURCHASE. THE NEED FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF YOUR CHEQUE IS A RESULT OF THE BOOKSTORE BURGLARY OF SEPTEMBER 6TH. PLEASE IDENTIFY THE CHEQUE AS A REPLACEMENT AND DELIVER SAME TO ANY ONE OF OUR BOOKSTORES LOCATED ON THE SURREY, NEW WESTMINSTER AND RICHMOND CAMPUSES. YOUR COOPERATION IN REGARD TO THIS REQUEST WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. Switchboard/Receptionists Hours of Operation - Weekdays In an attempt to improve the dis- semination of information to the public, and the passing of messages to staff, faculty and classes, the hours of operation for the Switch- board/Receptionists during the 1977 | Fall Semester will be “I New West 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Richmond : 4 5 & Surrey 7330. a.m. 7230 pam. i Coquitlam 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. After Coquitlam, Richmond and Surrey switchboards close an answering device will refer all callers to New West campus until it closes at 10:00 p.m. New West campus switchboard has the capability of passing messages to Richmond and Surrey campus personnel via the campus handyman. The above is effective 19 September 1977. R.J. Reynolds RE: INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES During the period Ist Sept. 1977 to 3lst August 1978, Barry Leach will be on educational leave. During this time no new Institute projects will be under- taken. Current commitments will be discharged by Ron Tarves, who will operate out of the Engineering Sciences Division until Dr. Leach's return. Ron will be responsible to Dr. H. Persad for new programming activities, which are expected to emphasize the fields of Land Use, Agricultural Production, and other areas of programming based in the Natural and Physical Sciences. Negotiations are being carried out to transfer the operation of the Serpen- tine Fen Environmental Study Centre to the Federation of B.C. Naturalists. It is, therefore, expected that the area will continue to be open to the public for recreational and educational visits. Copies of the current Environmental Studies information booklets may be obtained from the College Bookstore, Surrey Campus, Back issues are avail- able in the Library. Q Bill Day