ON-ERASER UNIVERSITY ~ 4 MEMORANDUM tae APP. Faculty, Faculty Associates, and || From Hoe of ew | Coordinators, ey SOLE ECPM RENTER TREE RR CREE ER wane E ree et Ee oe .Travel Expenses. _ Date. 2 April 1975 Subject As you are probably aware, this university ts faced with a budget for the new fiscal year which falls considerably short of expectattons. Given the soaring rate of inflation and burgeoning enrolments as well, this fact, as you may tmagine, places thio faculty tn an tneredtble bind. Stnce approximately 30% of our operating budget ts spent on travel, espectally that related to school visits, thie seems to be an area in which we can eastly begin some pretty drastic belt-tightening. I would therefore like to advise you of some spectfic cut-backs which I have instituted effective today: Transportation: We have prevtously provided reimbursement for out-of-town transportatton at a rate equtvalent to the most economical means of travel, which has been interpreted to mean economy atr fare. Henceforth, thts clause will be tnterpreted more literally. Most areas in which we place students can be reached by etther Pacific Stage Lines or Greyhound. In the event that you have a student tn a centre not served by these carriers, travel as far as you can by bus, then vistt the dispatchers office of the local trucking agency. He may be able to arrange transport right to your destination, sometimes with little inconventence or delay. If thte ts not posutble, hitehhike. For in-towm transportation, I urge you to use the Lower Mainland's excellent rapid transit system. B. C. Hydro tokens can be obtained from Rosanne Brooke. This additional service te provided for your convenience. . Accommodatton: Hotel coste now range from $20 - 26 per ntght, and thts ts clearly beyond our means. Most towns have a YWCA or YMCA which offers comfortable accormodatton at a much lower cost. If your destination doesn't have such a factlity, ask a cab driver to direct you to an establishment offering inexpensive lodgings. Sometimes, both bed and board can be arranged. If you find no alternative to‘an expensive hotel, don't stay overnight. Meals and inetdentals: Up to now, a per diem allowance of $10.00 has been provided without receipt. It will be necessary to reduce thie to $3.75, and to require presentation of recetpts tn triplicate. | May I make some suggestione|to help you to live within thte amount. Skip breakfast, (cost - nothing). Pack sandwiches in your sutt case for lunch, (coset - incurred at home - not claimable). Inexpensive dinners can usually be purchased in restaurants near bus depote (cost -| $3.00 or less). Two pre-dinner libations can be purchased in certain establishments paper to provide entertainment in t | for 60¢, leaving 15¢ towards the cost of a news- e evening. x