ane 1. Employment of Personnel (a) (b) (c) (a) Provincial Government Employees, other than those persons holding the classification of "limited or short-term appointment" shall be accorded a con- tinuity of employment by the College for a period of not less than one (1) year, subject only to dismissal for proper cause. In the event that a dispute should arise between the Employee and the College relative to dismissal, or the interpretation application, or alleged viola- tion of this Memorandum of Agreement, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively resolved in accordance with the Procedure contained in this Memorandum. It is recognized that some employees may desire to remain in the employ of the Provincial Government. All employees shall be accorded a period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of melding to exercise the preference of remaining in the Provincial Government service. In the event the employee exercises the preference aforementioned, the employee shall forthwith advise the College, the appropriate Department of the Provincial Government and the Civil Service Commission. Thereupon, the Civil Service Comaission shall proceed to arrange a transfer and shall make every reasonable effort to consummate such transfer at the earliest possible date following receipt of the notification and within a period of not more than three (3) calendar years following the date of melding. Costs of any re- location as a result of such transfer shall be borne by the Provincial Government. Civil Service salaries, procedures, benefits and other conditions of employment held at the date of melding shall be maintained for a period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of melding. It is to be understood that should such salaries, procedures, benefits and other conditions of employment be altered for Provincial Govern- ment Employees, then such new terms and conditions shall apply to Provincial Government employees transferred as a result of the melding process. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is to be understood that the College or its representative and the employees and their representa- tive: may, by mutual agreement, alter the aforementioned salaries and procedures. If, as a result of the discontinuation of a programme, a position becomes redundant during the first year following the melding, the Provincial Government will ensure payment of the salary of that person holding such position to the end of the one-year or until other employment is obtained whichever occurs first.