eee A Regional Land and Water Management Board would bring together the Federal and Provincial Government civil servants responsible for the administration of land, water and natural resources to advise the regional district on Management in the watershed regions. In each watershed the river board would work out management policies meeting the needs of fisheries, recreation and conservation, dyking, drainage, irrigation, waste water disposal, pollution control and water quality maintenance. The Agricultural Area Comm- ittees would also contain representatives of all land owners, farmers and other users, such as hunters, hikers, horse riding clubs etc. in order to work out acceptable multiple uses of land; The Community Area Committees already exist in many communities in the form of ratepayers associations, and voluntary planning committees. INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The following documents are available for reference at the metituces' Offirece, Surrey: 1. Brief requesting the preservation of the University Endowment Lands as Parkland and Greenbelt submitted on Behalf of the Dunbar-West Point Grey Endowment Lands Committee. 2. The Plan for Information Society -- a National Goal Toward Year 2000 -- Japan Computer Usage Development Institute, May 1972. 3. The International Opinion Poll on "The Plan for -* Infortiation Seciety,. Oct. 1973’. 4, Report to the International Joint Commission on Solutions to the Problems Facing the Residents of Point) Roberts, Oct 19732. 5 An Inventory of Internativnal Park Possibilities: ™t, Roberts, Boundary Bay, San Juan and Gulf Islands Archipelago, Aug 1973. 6. Notes on Waterfowl Management Opportunities in the Nicomekl and Serpentine River Valleys, Information Booklet No.1 2), Oct 1973. (Includes background infor- mation on the Mud Bay marina controversy). 7. Human Behavior Aspects of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, an annotated Bibliography, USDA, Forest Service, Port- land, Oregon, 1973.