*a paid advertisment* This book is worth reading for two reasons. The first one, of course, being the fact that it was edited by Terry Glavin, the first editor of the Other Press, whom you had the privilege to meet last issue. The second reason is Andrew Struthers’ wonderful, twisted sense of humour, which, while not overbearing, never lets up. That alone keeps this book above water, which it is often in grave danger of sinking under, and not just in the geographical sense. A brief glance over the outside of this book may lead you to believe that its subject is the friction between loggers and environmentalists in the little town of Tofino. Well, it’s not. This is a book about Andrew Struthers, which happens to have some loggers and environmentalists in it. Perhaps I’m being a bit unfair. The naval- gazing schitzophrenic confusion of our protagonist is very BC, if we have such a thing as a provincial character. I don’t mean the surface gloss of it, I mean what you get when you peel back the surface and make this land spill out its guts. The part of BC that remembers it was wild country a human lifetime ago. The kind of emotional uncertainty that is to be expected from an adolescent society. Anyway, back to Struthers. We get to hear about his childhood, and his relationship with a Alien autopsy in Other Press office? Shocking new photos! The Green Shadow New Star Books Andrew Struthers Review by Corene nice young witch, and his discovery of his inner woman, and his therapist. Although he doesn’t dwell too long on any of these plot twists. This book is not in danger of being heavy reading. There are some bits about blockading and watching strippers, make that a stripper (small town), with the local loggers. But Struthers’ angst just isn’t of the ‘should I cut down this tree or hug it’ variety. The biggest qualm I have with this book is that Struthers doesn’t include the climax. Which has always struck me as being a pretty important part of a story. Like maybe its reason to exist in the first place. He sets up for the climax nicely, and the ~ then he politely tells us that it’s none of our Bh P er rress business and gives us a bit of vague analogy which Call for Submissions doesn’t do the trick. Of course it isn t any of our Sexuality Issue business. Except that we have a right, as readers, to expect such things, to need such things, and Copy deadline Wed Sept 25 midnight There’s a bizzarre corpse in the OP darkroom, says an employee, who refused to give her name. “I really disgusting looking.” According to our anonymous source, two men performed an autopsy on the corpse, while she filmed proceedings on 1940s film stock, which explains the low quality of the images. The corpse exhibit extreme damage to it’s lower apendages. “It was really, really disgusting,” she added. The corpse was reportedly discovered in Burns Bog a few months ago. Apparently, the UFO cra landed and exploded, causing the large conflagaration that raged out of control earlier this summer. After the autopsy, the remains were delivered to the cafeteria, where CIA agents, disguised as ICL worke' spirited the alien to a top-secret government base. Is this the truth? Or a cleverly staged hoax? You be the judge. Join the conspiracy. Struthers lets us down. He may achieve catharsis, but the reader doesn’t. Butit’s still a funny book. Although sometimes the fact that you’re laughing makes you worry. Struthers’ failure to take himself straightforward and serious perhaps undermines what he is trying to say. But perhaps we need to laugh more than we need to hear what that is. And maybe that’s the point, after all. room 1020 Calendar of Events , FEEL Advent Pe Meta Exclusive Numeric Pager Offer Douglas College Students And Staff S Never miss a call again 4 ene Wednesday Sept.18 Staff Meeting 4pm _ 1808 All Inclusive Price for Douglas College!! f ee e Monday, Sept. 24 “In the Beginning...” ; t er a eee Basic newswriting 4 pm 1808 For your convenience FREE delivery Wednesday, Sept. 25 Staff Meeting 4pm _ 1808 anywhere...anytime! te ; : : , Friday, Sept. 27 Copy Deadline 8 am 1808 CALL NOW Sept.28-30 Production Giselle Ennis @ 669-8816 Tuesday, Oct. 1 New Issue!!! ae Wednesday, Oct.2 Staff Meeting 4pm 1808 Page Me@ 844-8167 Monday, Oct. 8 “The bus goes beep beep.” Order by September 15/96 and your Ist month is FREE A production seminar 4pm 1020 12 September 17 1996 The Other Press