MAD HATTER 15 Prior Learning Assessment Robert Isabelle et al, Federation des CEGEP Apprenticeship in the New Society Glenna Carr, Ministry of Skills Development Educating Rita: a Profile of the Woman College Graduate in the 1990s Pearl Dolgin Artificial Intelligence - Educational Opportunities Marilyn Mahan, Information Systems, Royal Trust Co. Do Colleges do the Job of Teaching Entrepreneurship? J. Philippe, J. Cormier, Consultants, Fredericton, N.B. Dirt Road to Electronic Freeway D'Arcy Martin, Communication and Electrical Workers Union General Information There are several other activities planned that may be of interest to faculty members. One of these is a professionally developed trade show with more than 70 exhibitors; there will be some vendors of learning packages and vendors from the computer areas. No conference is complete without its social progam. There will be a full complement of tours of the Golden Horseshoe area and, of course, banquets, lunches, receptions, hospitality times in the trade show area, breakfasts, etc. The Conference fee for the full program of 31/2 days is $395 and includes 2 dinners, 3 breakfasts and one lunch. The rate for a4 one day registration is $95 but does not include any meals. Our target for day registrations is set for 800 in anticipation that faculty from colleges within driving distance will be able to partake at least one day of the three full days. eR RRR RE KERR KEKE KR EK KR RR KEE HERE KK ERK Hopefully I have eased some concerns that ACCC Conference '87 is for board members and administrators only. Yes, there will be activities for that group but there will be as many or more for the faculty. I hope that you can in some way participate in ACCC Conference "EF. If you wish to be added to the mailing list or need further information about any of the material presented here, please call or write the ACCC Conference Office: : B. Belbeck, Coordinator ACCC Conference '87 Mohawk College P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2 (416) 575-2128