ee DOUGLAS COLLEGE ie ARCHIVES ._1 Mad Hatter Page 13 ? For Sale Womens Centre Hours Cedar window boxes,-assorted lengths,| Please note the new hours for Fall 10" wide and 8" deep. 1984: Asking $2.95, 3.95 and 4.95 each. Monday 0900 - 1700 Please contact Pat Brown at either local 2822, E.C.E. Centre or at her home, 464-4993. WOMEN'S CENTRE SUPPORT GROUP For Women With Special Needs The Women's Centre invites women with handicapping conditions to par- ticipate in a support/discussion group every second Tuesday between 12:00 and 13:00 hours during the Fall 1984 semester. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 18, 1984 at 12:00 hours in the Women's Centre, Room 2720. Feel free to bring your lunch. Possible topics for discussion in- clude: - access - integration - making friends - time management - stress management - women's resources For further information please con- tact Marian Exmann, Women's Centre Co-ordinator at 520-5486. Tuesday 1200 - 1900 Wednesday 0900 - 1700 Thursday 0900 - 1700 Friday 0900 - 1700 New West “YMYWCA‘ "Free" Legal Advice Clinic September lith and 2 Thursdays from 1700 to 1900 hours with a family lawyer. By appointment only. For contact, please call 526-2485, local 34. Single Mother's Support Group Meets Monday nights from 1830 to 2030 hours in Room 19 of the New West "Y". 526-2485, formation. 13th and 27th, October 5th. FREE CHILD CARE. Call local 34 for further in-