Mad Hatter Page 8 Az212 - The Divisional Committee is to act as an approving body for all programs offered by the Diviston, Including con- tent and structure of curriculum. It will provide advice to the Dean on divisional planning, as well as review, criticize, and/or endorse divisional budget proposals and allocations. Aaz2e 3 The Department Committee is the recommending group to the Divisional Committee for approval of all course outlines and programs offered by the Department. It is to review and endorse annual and long-term planning and advise the Chairperson/Division on the preparation and allocation of budgets. As2:4 The role of the College Curriculum Co-ordinating Committee is to review course outlines and program proposals developed by the departmental committees, and to review new courses and/or programs in terms of administrative, budget, and curriculum responsibility. Ar2:5 - The role of the Threshold Committee is to review course outlines and program proposals developed by the depart— mental committees, and to review and recommend admission standards. Az:2:6 -— Membership on Governance Committees is based on the premise that as many students, staff, and faculty as possible will be involved, and that the term of office will be a two-year period as outlined in Appendix V. Faculty and staff involvement is to be by direct sufferance. Ar2:7 The Governance System will be reviewed and evaluated every two years by a special Review Committee, and recommendations for change will be forwarded directly to the President. The procedure for change will be consistent with the basic philosophy of the Governance System. Changes at any level will be proposed to and approved by the superordinate level. OBJECTIVE Az3 There shall be external Advisory Committees for all programs offered within the College, made up of representatives from business, industry, and other agencies and institutions. The role of these Advisory Committees is to apprise and make recommendations to the College on all aspects of employment opportunties and transfera- bility to other colleges and Institutes. Advisory Committees are to meet once each year, and more frequently as necessary. Az3:1 — There will be an Advisory Committee for each Career/Technical program offered within the College. Az:3:2 -— There will be an Articulation Committee for each course/program to establish transferability to the