MAD HATTER PAGE 2 Appointments NOTES FROM TE LAROUT/ NE REG PRIDHAM IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING APPOINIMENTS: ' Cross-College Selection Cammittees: It has been agreed that until cross- Ann Kitching has been appointed college selection committees are in place at Kwantlen, the Faculty Assoc- lation will appoint faculty members on behalf of Disciplines and Programs. principal of Richmond Campus, effective July 1, 1981. Ken Moore has been appointed as Principal of Laeey aes and im ade ticn sa Professional Development Funds: his responsibilities he will aSSL6¢ This issue is now with the Labour/ the Vice-President Academic on projects Manag t Camittee for developing a in program development, continuing ee ees programs ag This procedure is to address the con- funding. Effective July 1, 1981 cerns of faculty and administration. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The International Labour Office, Technical Co-operation Progranme is, at the present time, seeking three people to fill posts overseas. ADVISOR ON JOB EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION This is a six month appointment in New Delhi. The candidate must have a university level education in business administration, economics or a related subject and extensive work experience in the design and implementation of job evaluation schemes in the public sector, The salary ranges from $2,500 to $3,000 (U.S.) per month plus many benefits. EXPERT IN OFFICIAL VISITS ORGANIZATION AND PROTOCOL This is a one year appointment in Baghdad, Iraq. The candidate must have an advanced level of university education, be highly cultured, have an attractive personality, and be able to perform her/his duties while dealing with unexpected situations. A good knowledge of Arabic and at least English and/or French are essential. ‘The salary ranges from $30,000 to $39,000 (U.S.) plus many benefits. PROCUREMENT AND STOCK CONTROL MANAGEMENT TRAINING This 1s a one year appointment in Mogadiscio, Somalia. The qualifications required are: a university degree in business administration, or an equivalent professional qualificat- ion in supply management; at least ten years practical experience in stock control and procurement, five of which should have been in developing countries; and formal training experience in supply management theory. The salary ranges from $30,000 to $39,000 (U.S.) plus many benefits. For more information concerning the above mentioned posts please contact the ACCC, International Office. suitable procedure by September 1, 1981. *