KWANTLEN AV SERVICES UNIT During the week of June 15, che Xwantlen AV Services Unit will be established at the Surrey Library. To facilitate the cransfer of materials from New wWestmins- ter to Surrey, software beokings will be suspended from June 15 - 19. Advance ocokings made on equigment and software will be honeured and items are to be picked up at the library circulation Gesk. Effective June 22, 1981 Kwantlen will begin offering AV services at the Surrey library. Kwantlen instructors are to send their film booking requests to Carol Hanson anc their software purchase requests to Janice Friesen. At Douglas, film book- ings requests should be addressed to Marina Hunter and software purchases to Mary Matthews. Fach campus library has a catalogue differentiating between Kwantlen and Douglas films. By September 1, we hope to have separate film catalogues for each institution. All cooperative borrowing arrangements with other institutions’ that have ax- istead at Douglas, will be continued both for Douglas and Kwantlen. Priority will be given to Douglas and Kwantlen instructors for bookings on fi located at our respective institutions. EVENT MAGAZINE eS eeacleneeineninay Event magazine, published by Xwantlen College (formerly Douglas College), is pleased to announce that it has won first prize in the poetry category at the recent National Magazine Awards held in Toronto. The award was given for a series of poems published in Vol.9 No. Ll, written by Bronwen Wallace, who will receive a $1000 award. Runners-up in the cometition included™ Canadian Forum Magazine, with ccems by Margaret Atwood and Michael Ondaatje. Further information about Evant is available at the above addrass or by contacting Vye Flindall, the managing editor, at 588-4411. Mad Hatter Page 3 S.F.U. PRESENTS... PROGRAMS _OF DISTINCTION Lectures by distincuished visitors Peter B.C. Matthews University Laboratory of Physiology Oxford University WHEN: Tuesday June 9,1981 WHERE A.QO. 3149 TIVE 3:30 4:30p.m. TOPIC: “Are Our Muscles Sentient?" WHEN: Tuesday June 16, 1991 WHERE: A.Q. 3149 TIME: 3:30-4:30p.m. TOPIC: "The Muscle Spindle - Past & Present" For more information on these and other lectures contact Dept. of Kinesiolosy, 291-3573. TO ALL ADMINISTRATION , FACULTY AND SUPPORT STAFF OF DOUGLAS AND XWANTLEN COLLEGES. in monour of Mary Christy, who will be retiring at the and of June after del years with Couglas College, a Wire ard Cneese Party will be held on June 25) 1981, 3:30 p.m. in the Boardroom, New Westhinster Camous of Couglas Collece. Anyone wishing to attend, please send $4.00 to either Manon Rerming at Douglas College, New hestminster Camus or Pat Kavalec at Kwantlen College, Newton Centre. For Sale 4£t CEDAR HEDGEING la. - 4f¢ high) 2 ( a. I WILL DIG UP - $25. obo Phone Andrew Survey loc. 24? S LEGE Hernais Flute DOUGLAS COL “Nickel plated ARCHIVES ~Ssood for a Beginner PRICE: $100.00 tl Julie at the New West. Switchboard or 522-7471 after 4230 O.m.