THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 WATCH FOR: A SPECIAL EDITION OF THE MAD HATTER TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL EMPLOYEES ON TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK WITH NEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL Vortente: (re Celebrate your increment on April Fooks' Day at the Douglas College Dinner and Dance! Douglas College faculty, stags, administration, college council, principal, janitors, and custodians are akk condiakly anvited to attend this gala affair at. the Town and Country Inn, Hwy. 99 and Hwy. 17, Delta at 6:30 p.m. (bring companions). Tickets cost $11 a person and price includes hot/cold buffet, entertainment, and disco dance. The noom holds 300 people and we'd Like to Sikh it. Tickets available from Chris Johnson, Mary Christy, and Admissions offices on all campuses (hopefully? ). Chris EVALUATION QUESTIONAIRE - DEVELOPMENT. DAYS Did you attend the Development Days last Thursday and Friday (Feb. 24/24)? What are your thoughts on the programs and displays that were offered? We need you comments and ideas to plan better programs for future days! Evaluation questionaires were distribu- ted through the mail last Monday, Feb. 27. Please send your completed evalua- tions to FIROZ KASSAM, Business Division, N.W. If you didn't receive one, ask Firog for a copy. We are looking forward to hearing from you! PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 4 If you have a Registered Retirement * Savings Plan (R.R.S.P.), make sure you have designated a beneficiary to receive its proceeds if you die. |f no beneficiary has been named, & the proceeds will be taxed as income to you in the year in which you die. On the other hand, if you designate your spouse as beneficiary, for example, proceeds may be transferred free of tax to an R.R.S.P. established for your spouse, and taxes deferred until age 7]. It is easy to name a beneficiary with- out changing your will - merely go to your R.R.S.P. trustee/vendor, and sign the appropriate form. If you have more than one R.R.S.P., remember to sign one form for each. It could be an expensive over- sight; when | lie on my deathbed, | really don't want to think about the Minister of Finance. : Murray Leslie Notice Board —— PARKING - TOWING (Tears or not to tears) t 2 Once again it is necessary to remind those using Douglas College parking lots that parking is only permitted in the designated parking stalls - between white lines. Cars not so parked are likely to be towed Fire lane access must be preserved. Double parking is simply inconsiderate of others. If parking is not available on campus,, the Canada Games Pool parking area is an alternative. Please do not use the limited Curling Club Parking. FOR RENT ne Cove area. 4-bedroom house, living room, dining room. 4 appliances, drapes, carpets, and some fun eheva 9 Fenced yard; house backs onto park. Near school. Rental: $475 per month. Call Anne at local 253/S.