ee simon fraser university burnaby 2, b.c. telephone 291-3181 SIMON PRESS RELEASE | csrupent SOCIETY Please be advised that the following events have been booked by the Simon Fraser STudent Society for the Spring Semester: Free Lunch Hour Series 12:30 - 1:30 in Theatre (T) or Studio Two (II). T Jan. 15, 1975 Harpsichordist Michael Chivbett T Jan. 22, 1975 Pacific Ballet T, Jan. 29, 1975 Cecelian Ensemble II Feb. 12, 1975 Towne Waytes II Feb. 22, 1975 Towne Waytes # T. Friday Feb. 6,1975 8:00 pm Pacific Wind Quintet T. Friday Feb.13,1975 8:00 pm Pacific Salt Jaxx Sextet Gym Wed. Mar.17,1975 8:00 pm Paul Horn ยง& Ensemble Admission to the Evening series is $3.00 for students and $3.50 for non-students. We feel confident that this program will prove to be a most po- pular one, in particular we are proud of being able to mount such a high quality program using, with the exception of Micheal Chibbett, who is a very high calibre British virtuoso, WEst Coast talent. We hope that this will be accepted as proof to the artistic world at large that the epithat of 'pine cones and birch-bark' no longer holds. Yours, Ray Garford Activities Co-ordinator, SFSS