PROGRAMMING of phone messages or.a voice at the* eee other end of the line saying, 'I thought maybe you'd changed jobs!' It's the satisfaction of hearing people say they were pleased, excited, and stimulated by a course you've Dialogue following an introduction at a helped to create; and it's frustra- social gathering: tion and disappointment when one of your 'best-ever' ideas dies a painful Q.° "What do you do?" death. It's wondering 'shere did I go wrong?’ or ‘What did I do right?' A. "Oh, I'm the Continuing Education It's fascinating, frustrating, programmer for the Counselling Depart- frantic, and fun." ment at Douglas College." Q. "Is that right? Let me get you Q. "What on earth is that?" another drink:" A. "Well, it's community meetings and--- printing deadlines; it's sixty students wanting a course limited to twenty, and three students for a course that requires fifteen; it's VOLUNTEER SERVICES ... trying to take the pulse of the community's needs when sometimes you -- Doris Patterson can't even find the wrist; it's smiles from everyone when you come up with a catchy course title and "AS a resource person and contact between gentle scowls from the Printing the College and the community, a volunteer Department when you ask for crazy is able to provide a unique learning things like purple ink. climate because of the one-to-one basis that enables the student to become more "It's lunch in your car en route to self-confident and to rely on his or her yet another meeting; and it's a pile own resources." RICHMOND CAMPUS: Left to right -- Pat Major (counsellor); Theresa Phillips (student aide); Norma Miller (reception- ist); Susan Smith (student aide); Beth Morris (counsellor); Ben Kawaguchi (student aide)