rw Si ae aes a a =e aor Wanted 2 roomates required to share clean 3-bdrm furnished house in Burnaby. $300 + damage deposit and 1/3 utilities. Bedrooms aren't furnished. Close to buses and SkyTrain. Available. Feb 1 or Mar 1. Female preferred. Contact Kelly 451-9373. For Rent: Large modern ground level suite in execu- tive Port Moody home. Private entrance. Ideal for student. Non-smoking, No pets. $600 including utilities and cable. 961-5559. For Sale 89 Ford Probe, sporty, fully loaded (power everything), diligently maintained with 160K on Mazda 2.5 liter engine, excellent condition. Air Cared. $4,500. obo. Call 552-4213. Looking for an excel- lent source of reliable trans- portation? Look no fur- ther...1980 Citation, looks good, excellent running condition, $500 firm. Call 443-9238 anytime. Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer at the New West Youth Centre and make a diference in the life of a teen. Call 526-1938 or drop-in Wed- pe ately ae Ge Sat 6pm-11pm at 830-Sixth Street. Ask for Izzy. Burnaby Volunteer Centre has volunteer opportu- nities in many areas. Contact the Burnaby Volunteer Centre at 294-5533. Volunteer positions are available to any youth interested in coordinating a international wheelchair tennis festival. Positions are available for PR, food prepa- rations, recruiting volunteers, etc. This festival will take place in August 1999. Call Allegra @ 836.8802 for more details. Women volunteers needed for the Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter. Interested in volun- teering for our: 24 hour crisis line, transition house for women and their children. Training sessions Tuesday evenings. For more informa- tion and for a training interview call 872-8212. Vancouver Crisis Centre urgently needs volunteers to work on 24 hour distress lines. Those interested call 872-1811. Services All Budget Computer & Parts, Sales, Repair, Upgrade, cleaning services: 724b- Twelfth Street, New West. Mon-Sat (10am-6pm), Sun 12 January 13 1999 the Other Press 50% OFF share 2404 St. John’s Street Port Moody, BC. 931-2451 (12-4pm). 486dx2, CD-Rom, sound, Win95 $190. Pentium 200 MMX, CD-Rom, modem, sound $550. Upgrade your old computer to Pentium 200 MMX $250. Tel: 515-1033. Students—VISA/ Mastercard that can pay itself off—even make you $$$. Sound too good to be true? Find out for yourself! Call 450-0416 for more.... Attn: unemployed student: Christmas Break Special, $379 (before taxes) BST 1 and BST 2 Security training. Call: Mainland Security and Defense Acad- emy (Surrey) @ 590-6360. Learn to work as a bartender! day & evening classes/job placement. For more info contact Fine Arts Bartending School at 873D2811 or look for posters on campus. Is travel in your future? Would you like it to be? How about spring break. Time’s running out and space is limited. We do our best to meet or beat anyone else’s price. Call Shiela at Thomas Cook Travel 526-5684. Ace the LSAT! Law school admission test prepa- ration course. 4 Saturdays, Nov 7, 14, 21 & 28, 1998. Only $275. New Westminster campus. For more info call: 527-5446, to register, call: 527-5472. Offered through ALL mo Ne HOUSEWARES Jan 18 - 30,1999 “ne Continuing Education, Commerce and Business Administration. MANACLES, cuffs, collars, flags, etc. Custom leather work. Costume. Student made. Call Brad 806- 0669. IMPROVE YOUR ENG- LISH CONVERSATION. Experi- enced and certified ESL Canadian teacher. Learn vocabulary, Idioms, phrases and pronunciation. Group Lessons: 1D4 students, 2D3 hours, 2-4 days, 4 weeks $300 each. Private Lessons: $20.00/hr. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call Mr. Joe Pelech at 524-8841. Learn Japanese: Expect results from certified Japa- nese teachers! Days - Eve- nings - Weekends, Shibano Academy, #201-601 W. Broadway, 351-5830/738- 1235 Fax: 738-1231. Patient Mandarin tutor available. Able to communi- cate in English without Mandarin accent and vice versa. Flexible rates. Contact Johnson Tai at OP (room 1020) 525-3542 or home 521- 3467. Protect yourself against photo radar, for your free information package call Allan or Amy at 527-4035. Infant care by ECE mom ft/pt days/evenings. * a” = Near Douglas College. Jan, after 6 pm 524-5933. Announcements Female clothing needed for charity in Cuba. Please drop off items at the Student Society Business Office in the Student Building. Afraid of speaking in public? Come to Douglas College Toastmasters, 7pm Thursdays, Douglas College, New Westminster, call Kathy at 525-6748 for info. The Douglas College Student Society is a great hang-out for students but it needs input from its member- ship. I am looking for inter- ested parties to help spruce up the Student Building. If you can paint murals or know of a keen way to make fhe DCSS more fun and inviting, please call Darryl Flasch at 527-5109. Wanted: Students of all ages, origins, genders and sexualities, to join the Pride Collective. Must be queer- friendly! Meetings 4:30 pm Mondays in Room 110 of the Student Society Building. e- mail: confidential. voicemail: 527- 5335 ext 4550