AD HATTER 3 o- VOLU NTEER WEEK FINANCIAL for students entering Douglas College IN CANADA AID Dargie Cofese sedon’ fechiet April 26 until May 2 has been designa- ted Volunteer Week in Canada. During this week communities across the country will be recognizing and publi- cizing Volunteerism by way of posters, buttons, newspapers, T.V. and radio advertising. The B.C. Association of Volunteer Centres is introducing the theme “The Red Badge of Caring” and is encouraging all volunteers to proud- ly wear the Red Badge. Volunteers do not look for rewards or recognition for the work they perform. Most find satisfaction in knowing that the work they do is worthwhile and that they are giving assistance when and where it is needed. Volunteers are described as being “loyal, dedicated, creative, resourceful and compassi- onate.” It is true they possess all of hese qualities but most of all they are eople who care about other people in their community. At present, Douglas College is fortu- nate to have over sixty volunteers working for the “I-Care” program. This program would not exist without these dedicated tutors. They give their time and their talent to teach another adult to read and write well enough to be confident in his/her own lifestyle. They are appreciated not only during this week of recognition, but for all past efforts and future endeavors. We sal- ute our volunteers and say a heartfelt THANK YOU for their support and tireless efforts on behalf of “I-Care”. Carol Leyland BULLETIN Bursaries are available to students enrolled in the Summer Semester Criteria: Students must apply first for B.C. Student Assistance or other provincial aid. Because there are a limited number of bursaries available, preference will be given to students who have exhausted all other sources of funding and are still in need. Application Deadline: June |, 1987 Applications are available at the Student Finance Office afier May |. Maple Ridge Arts’ Council Bursary A bursary of $1,000 is available to a Fine Arts student entering the second, third or fourth year of a degree or diploma program. Applicants must have graduated from School District No. 42 senior secondary schools and demonstrate financial need. It is also open fo a mature student wishing to further his/her Fine Arts Education, but the applicant must have resided in the Maple Ridge area for five years. Please contact the Maple Ridge Arts’ Council, Box 331, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 7G2, for an application form. Closing Date: June 30, 1987 1983 Royal Visit Scholarship The City of New Westminster has established a scholarship fund to commemorate the 1983 Royal Visit to New Westminster. The scholarship is designated as an entrance scholarship districts of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, and New Westminster). Elig- ible students will have achieved a good academic standing in high school, and will have shown active participation in school and/or commu- nity activities. The interest revenue from an endowment fund will be given each year to a scholarship recipient. The student receiving the award must make use of this scholarship at Douglas College within the academic year in which the award is made. Application may be made through Douglas College Student Finance Office by July Ist each year. United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 170 - Entrance Scholarships Two $300 scholarships are offered annually to secondary school gradu- ates entering first year of any commu- nity college in B.C. directly from high school. Applicants must be sons, daughters, or legal dependents of a member of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, local 170. Application should be made on a Douglas College Entrance Scholar- ship application and should include a transcript of marks from high school. Deadline to apply is October | 5th. Rotary Foundation Scholarships Applications are available at the Student Finance Office for Rotary Foundation Scholarships. The applic- ation deadline is July 15, 1987. Students interested in applying for this scholarship are encouraged to apply early. A recent successful applicant reported that to complete the neces- sary forms took 10 hours over a two month period. continued on page 4