issue 32// vol 47 How astrology can benefit your mental health life & style // no. 19 e eS ee | i 6% i » An interview with astrologer Rylen Alistair Moore Alexis Zygan Staff Writer M any folks have turned to astrology to provide predictions for when they should brace for the worst. The pandemic has heightened some people’s anxiety and despair. I spoke to student astrologer and founder of podcast It’s Just a Phase, Rylen Alistair Raye Moore, about what drew him to astrology. After our conversation, Rylen decoded my natal birth chart and shared insights into what I needed to face to live in alignment with my higher self. Astrology for mental health necessitates introspection. Rylen is no stranger to feelings of depression; “I attempted suicide in 2018 and after that, I was searching for meaning outside of my religious upbringing. I found astrology and unlocked a whole world that I hadn't known existed which really helped me get out of that dark place,” he explains. To this day, he cultivates hope and understanding through the study of transits and retrogrades. A transit is an coy eTscoynet@eeCenZ—sbeCiel me) my OS EcWeL eMC planet makes a transit throughout the So EVO TISTeR CUR Tew nsan ee Tere! can last as long as two years for Mars. (For a reading of current transits, you can find out on For folks reading, get ready for Jupiter entering Pisces. This transit provides an opportunity to forgive those who hurt us. Pay close attention to our dreams as they may signify our future endeavours. As more people step away from organized religion and embrace alternative forms of connecting with the universe, astrology flourishes as a tool for self-reflection. Horoscope Today podcast \/ by Parcast delivers personalized messages for the 12 zodiac signs to anchor listeners for the day ahead. Despite the popularity of astrology, skeptics doubt its validity. Astrology skeptics can learn a lot from RQ ShADN eA Rat VU mK -COTNTeAM OU eme nica his dad a full-natal-chart reading. The information helped his dad see the value of astrology. “There is the good, the bad, and the ugly—and if you're not willing to look at [those aspects] astrology might not be for you,’ explains Rylen. A natal birth chart encompasses seven personal and social planets. Generally, people only know their star, also eee Rae ae eC CMPnTIN Ce Aira sign the sun is in when they are born. The sun stays in a sign for approximately 30 days. There are 12 signs in the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces), along with 12 houses and six planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Slane Manet Reece icocncor BCT las and one of the 12 houses—and each house has a different meaning. To learn more about what each house means, check out a resource on Cafe Astrology. Horoscopes in the paper are fun to read. However, their simplification of predictions based cose Maas CUMS eAO WL Celcm cone set K- bP Z- Lao Tce The absence of personalization breeds