MAD HATTER 1989-1990 20th Year Celebration Douglas College is approaching its 20th Anniver- sary. November 19, 1970 was our official opening day. Some time ago we held an initial session on how we can celebrate this important milestone in the College’s history. That session was very successful and I list below a small sample of the ideas generated at that time: - 20 Year Photo Archives of the College Open House - Alumni Dance for Graduates - Reunion of Faculty, Staff and Students - Program Based Reunions - Revue of the College in Song and Stage - History of Douglas College - Collection of Memoirs - Theme - "Accent on Community, Twenty Years of Community Service" - Gala Dinner - "Come As You Were" Dance - Mad Hatter Flashbacks - Appreciation Night for Founding Faculty Sponsored by the Board - "Bulletin Board of the Past" to change weekly To get the planning for the celebrations back in gear after the summer break I would like to hold another brainstorming session THURSDAY, OC- TOBER 13, 1988 IN THE ROYAL AVENUE SITE BOARDROOM FROM 12:00 - 2:00 P.M. Coffee will be provided. Bring your lunch and your ideas!! Gordon Gilgan A REMINDER FROM THE LIBRARY The Library will be closed on the following days: Saturday, October 8 and Monday, October 10. ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL As you are aware, Peter Greenwood has been ap- pointed to the position of College Bursar, effective immediately. A search for a new Comptroller will begin shortly. Until that position is filled, however, I have made a number of assignments to help Peter during the tran- sition period: a) Maple Ridge, including all financial aspects, is assigned to Jim Doerr. b) Coquitlam activities, including all financial aspects, are assigned to John McKendry. I will be away from the College from Monday, Sep- tember 26 to Tuesday, October 18th. During this period, Jim Doerr will "back stop" Peter on any and all projects related to the Bursar’s position. Ad hoc assignments may be made to the managers in the Business Operations Divisions by direct delegation. I would like to thank all of those involved for their cooperation. Bill Day NOISE IN THE LIBRARY A survey of former Douglas College students, un- dertaken by the Registrar’s Office, indicated that one of their major complaints concerned noise in the Library. Students were unable to find a quiet place to study in al already overcrowded environment. Therefore, the Library is asking your help in publicizing new regulations. Please announce to your students that the Library is a quiet study space only, and talking, even quietly, will not be tolerated. We in the Library hope that by starting off the term with a strong campaign, we will be able to stop the noise before it begins. Your help will be much appreciated. Virginia Chisholm Director of Learning Resources Mad Hatter - October 4 1988 - 2