TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD External Matters - Education Gordon Gilgan and I met with Dr. George Ivany and Dr. Bob Browne of SFU, the Vice-President for Instruction, and the Dean of Arts, respectively, to talk about co-operative planning of curriculum. in the area of the entertainment arts. They also have been given some seed money by the province. They are showing interest in working with us as we did some years ago when we developed the criminology curriculum. I expect to see a gradual increase in such working relationships with SFU, resulting at the program level, through the Deans. The Vancouver Foundation has made a substantial Capital grant to us. There will be further information later on the agenda. This has resulted because of some excellent teamwork between a number of our staff and faculty. I spent a day on Friday at Malaspina College working with colleagues from Sir Sanford Fleming College in Ontario, Malaspina, and this Institution, on a project that Gordon Gilgan referred to at the last Board Meeting, relating to the possibility of opening a joint centre in Hong Kong - an off-shore school - with capital costs and some front end capital and operating costs being borne by the Seaker Chan Foundation. Internal Matters - Education I have been forced to become the temporary chairman again of the Council of Principals. This has had some impact on staff. This will last until the end of the month at which time hopefully I will once more be past President. In that role, I attended a special meeting in Victoria last Friday with the Deputy Minister and a number of others. There is going to be a major government information campaign timed for sometime this Fall that is intended to acquaint the public with the colleges, institutes, and universities of this province. It is calculated essentially to be an information campaign, to show that the government has an awareness of the value of the system and is supportive of its role in British Columbia. We were asked to go over it for technical accuracy, which we did. I want to mention this to the Board as I do believe it will be a fairly significant, large scale campaign, which will have some impact at the student services and student recruitment level. There was an assembly of the College on the 10th of September. A number of documents were referred to including the long-awaited Governance document. Planning for the Board Workshop has been a major feature this past week for the senior administration and I am pleased to say has been substantially completed with the help of your Chairman. The Self-Study is substantially complete and Dr. DellaMattia will be reporting on that in due course. There will be a lot more work when the College deals with the implications of these documents this Fall. ‘September 18, 1986.