gs Mad Hatte A Douglas College Newslette ovember 4 1986. r era ney eee “WHERE’S CHARLEY” A LAUGHING MATTER Shapely table-legs are indecent and must be covered -- so proclaimed the august Queen Victoria. The manners and mores of the Victorian era prove a perfect target for hilarity in “Where's Charley?’, the upcoming musical comedy by the Douglas College Theatre Department. “Where's Charley?” was originally adapted from Brandon Thomas’ play “Charley's Aunt” by two masters of the Broadway musical, George Abbot and Frank Loesser, beginning its popular success on Broadway in 1948. In the grand tradition of British farce, the pitfalls multiply precariously. The action unfolds around Oxford chums Jack and Charley, played by Dan Derkson and Colin Carney, who invite their lady friends to a lunch chaperoned by Charley's aunt from Brazil, played by Susan Hunkin. But when the aunt fails to arrive, Charley is left in a constant whirl as he dizzily portrays both himself and his aunt, while dodging a middle-aged suitor enamoured with his “feminine” charms. cont IN THE HAT re Foundation Application Procedures i. Expanded Committee Membership es Four in the Foyer 10... Audio Visual Acquisitions tt The Victorian Woman PD ics Group Advising Sessions Bess Causal is Definitely Not Casual 1A Waiters to Give Coaching Tips Seas Announcements 13... Vancouver Chamber Choir News 5.) Upcoming Events 1S: Job Opening 6... International Opportunities for Faculty 16... Innovation Abstracts