Mad Hatter Page 4 b.. ee The Review Committee has outlined its project plan with tentative deadlines for completion. These are: 1. description of structure and functions of each administrative unit; (15 March) 2. internal analysis of each administrative unit; (13 April) 3. College-wide survey of overal] administrative operations; (11 May) 4, comprehensive data analysis and report-writing; (29 June) 5. presentation of report with recommendations to College President; (29 June) The Committee members and extension members are: Gerry DellaMattia ss e@ © 4907 Jim Sator wee 0 ©4345 Jay McGilvery oe ee 3444 Mark Nonni se ola Student Walter Hogg . ee «© 4904 (Staff Officer) Feel free to contact any of the above, or myself. Sue Skinner Chairperson, Administrative Review Steering Committee (local 2604)