—- 2 or | | |riotous living and bemoaned their Parable of the Rvatient For the Examination Season "And it came to phsayeseiy. op ete ‘ morning of the last day of the semes~ © ter there arose a multitude smiting © their books and wailing, and there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, for the day of judgment was at hand and they were so afraid. ‘tl For they had left undone those things | which they out not to have done. And: there was no help for them." bend, thete were ney abiding in their books ald nighties but it naught avai ka And some, there were who arose peace- fully for they had prepared for them-| selves the way and made straight the path of knowledge. And these wise - ones were known to some as the burnex of the midnight oil, but by others they were called curve spoilers." "And the multitude arose and ate a hearty breakfast and they came to the vowing to himself in this manner: : BERL = _ good condition - $175.00 | ae Volkswagen Rabbit (U5) = E3) - box, complete with warranty. ‘Interested? : in his own direction and each one ee "I shall not pass this way again. It isa long road ne has no For Sale Sears Kenmore Automatic Dehumidifier; 2 rims and Uniroyal snow tires to : Tires have about one season left on them. - $50.00 : Sanyo Video cassette recorder, model 4590 (Beta) never used, still in - $600 retail value, sell for $475. Puja: L-750 Beta video cassettes, new, Retail value $15, sell for $12 ae $10 each for 5 or more. Call 521-4505, appointed place and their hearts were heavy within them. And they had come} to pass, but some to pass out." "And some of them repented of their fate, but they had not a prayer. And at the last hour there came among cheb one oes as one PESEESCEON: he of papers among hain and went an file way.' + a 0 } fe 2 os 3° rei Fe Q iy hH wn os op _ oO p 2 mc ese 9 a on eke Os "And many and varied were the answers that were given for some of his teaching had fallen among the fallows, while still others had fallen among fertile minds and still others had fallen flat." i "And some there were who wrote for an | hour. Others wrote for two, but some tturned away sorrowful. And when they | iad finished, they gathered up their belongings and went quietly away, each