SEASON PASS Sample Order Form ROYAL BANK 3 DAY PASS Sample “a SAMPLE ORDER FORMS - | COUGLAS CC rege ARCHIVES r————~ These forms and an information sheet will be included with your August paycheque. If you have any questions, please contact the Personnel Department. D420 Ls TSO)! PASS GROUP RA ASeason Pass is a non-transferable Photo [D valid for unlimited visits to EXPO 86 anytime from May 2 --October |3, 1986 ADULT CHILD OR* PRICE PERIOD REGULAR| GROUP | REGULAR May 2 85- Oct 13. 85 }5 9900 | $89.00)5 4950 |$ 4450 Oct 14 'B5- Jané, ‘86 | 11900 | 109.00) 5950 54.50 Jan7 86 May 1, 86 | 13900 129.00} 6950 64.50 May 2 86 - Oecl 13, 86 160.00 N/A 80 00 N/A “Children 5 S years insand under udmutted FREE “Child (6. I2.yrs. s Senior (65 yrs +) ORDERING YOUR SEASON PASS Li Complete the order form below. U) Enclose credit card number, money order or cheque payable to the group or organization you are purchasing your passes through. (Submit the order form below to your group or organization coordinator (| DO NOT MAIL TO EXPO 86. C1] Your group or organization will place one Season Pass order and distribute Season Pass Cerlificales when received. LJ Season Pass Certificates must be exchanged fora Season Pass photo ID at a designated Woodward's store. C) All prices, policies and programs are subject to change without notice. EXPO 86, Group Sales, PO. Box 1986, Station A, Vancouver B.C., V6C 2X5, Canada. (604) 660-3976. Deadline is October 4, 1985. es 7. e na: cea | coir: ORDER FORM COMPLETE AND SUBMIT WITH PAYMENT TO. GROUP OR ORGANIZATION COORDINATOR (PLEASE PRINT) Group/Organization Name: Name: Address City Province Postal Code Telephone ( ) Price (see Price Chart above) Adult @ = Child/Senior @ = (6-12 yrs) (65 yrs +) | (Prices are in Canadian Funds) TOTAL = S. | prefer to charge the total purchase price to my credit card with: OVISA® O MasterCard® OC American Express® Credit Card Number [oe EE a Ee a Signature: (Valid only with authorized signature) Expiration Date: | | | | | | | | : Quantity | | | l i | | | | | @m 6 Sq ba = | fe Ea Ee E K Complete and submit with payment to Group or Organization Coordinator (Please print) Group/Organization Name Name Address Province Postal Code City State Zip Telephone Quantity Price (See Chart) Adult ss @ = Child/Senior @ = (6-12 yrs)/(65 yrs+) TOTAL = S§. wm o = : w “ O % a 2) oe pa