SAT. OCT, 27 4:00 pm @) PEOPLE POWER “Water, Water Everywhere, But .. .” looks at the competition among in- dustries, fisheries and the public for use of Puget Sound’s shorelands and water: Guests include repre- sentatives of specia! interest groups, including the River Basin Coordi- nating Committes and the King County Shorelines Management Citi- SUN. OCT. 28 3:00 pm €} UNTAMED WORLD \ includes a visit with the Biami tribe, who had no contact with the outside | world until 1969. ( eee 10:00 pm &} HUMAN JOURNEY—Documentary Special: ‘Getting Around’—a iook at the not-so-rapid transit systems at work in San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, New York and Toronto. Ex- perts in the transportation field dis- cuss measures being taken to re- move congestion from city streets. Kirk Foley of the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications taiks about the effectiveness of Ontario's public transit systems—the subway, Dial-a-Bus and the Go (Train. New methods of rapid transit are examined, including small passenger vehicles riding on air cushions and a rocket- powered capsule. (60 min.) [Pre-empts regular programming. } zens Advisory Committee. (2. hrs.) A study of New Guinea's. tribal life, | =o 8:00 pm . @® COLLAGE-—Reg Watts Gy) Topio: the tife of the Eskimo: Guest: Helene Irving, .Past. Recreation Co- ordinator for the Central and Eastern Arctic. Op nSeEparencLies FACULTY WORK- ROOMS The faculty work~-rooms are open to serve all faculty and staff Members. The work-room in New West is op- erated by ANN RAFFLE. She assists and directs people in quick and easy xeroxing and transparency methods. Andrew MacAdam operates the fac- ulty work-room in Surrey. When he is not there and you need help cali Locais ~- 253 or 254. Andrew is in the Surrey Work-room 9am - l2am Mondays and the New West Faculty Work-room 9am - l2am Wednesday. There wiil be an in service training session in the faculty work-room. in New West on Wednesday, October 31, 3am i2am, and in Surrey on Mon. Nov. 5 ; in the faculty workzsoom 9am-12am. ics include: copying, duplicating” ,original materials anc OH GOD! Johr, (3 KNOW Noma, | THANK THE PORTA PACK. FOR WITHOUT IT WE wouLb! HWE NEVER CAUGHT THES pf G ! AMOTHER ADVEMTURE __