THE PAN T FACTORY] Alltypes of Jeans ,Cords & Rugby Pants November 30th, 1984 THE OTHER PRESS | page 1! 19 HOME ee LUNGHES “JUST LIKE MOMMA‘S” Wealso carry Jackets,Ladies & Mens shirts Belts,Buckles, and Camouflage Clothing Sizes to fit all and special alterations can be made right 4 in the store.. And prints canbe made on your T-shirt. : = a] ltl (it @ 71\Columbia St. (Just walk down 8th st) Join the Collége ‘in Crowd” for : » the best home cooked food 522-3050 KNOWN ACROSS B.C. in New Westminster While You're Eating Enjoy POOL TABLES DARTS “MTV” EXOTIC DANCERS \! ed with i une a4 8 COLLEGE PLACE HOTEL § b 740 CARNARVON ST. $ : Prorat Evenin 207 pee : Selj-Indulgenee P @ Debauchery - Go tothe the Pub Night happin’ at the College Place on Dec. 4@11. H — Startsat 7pm. androcks on through the night. = Ticketsare$2_ and onsalenow outside the Upper | Cafeteria and at the College Race. (No Minors) Represented bythe D.C. Men&Women’s Volleyball Tearns Good Sleaz Fun For Everyone! een vow Ww \ on inth se (dott even know whats i) ae going on down the te Wals CMe ee be eel © Athy do | do iri! Why aol Ne gee Graphic/Gateway ..NO,NO CALLS... WHAT HAS. BINTER? THE KIDS ? 2...