A | DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES uly 11, 1983 Aad Ha A Douglas College Newsletter er sone COLLEGE LIBRARY President’s Report To Peages College Board, June 16, 1983 A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL Mr. Gordon Gilgan, Dean of Academic, gave the graduating address at the graduation exercises at New Westminster Senior Second- ary School earlier this month. Mr. Emerton and I have been discussing a systematic program of contact with municipal government and officials over the next year, as part of our program of securing closer relationships with the communities in the Douglas College region. Mr. Emerton will be providing further information to the Board in due course. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATIONAL Gordon Thom, President of BCIT, and I are responsible for the organization of a mid- management workshop for college and instit- ute administrators which will be held this Fall under the auspices of the Council of Principals and the Ministry of Education. In due course, I will be recommending that a number of our Directors and Chairmen be given leave to attend this event. Mr. Gilgan and I visited Ken Moore, Director of the Newton Centre of Kwantlen College, to — gain information on the methods that Centre has used to implement the TRAC program. It was a most helpful visit. Because of a number of ongoing concerns that we have regarding the Ministry's handling of certain program development matters, I paid a visit to the Ministry of Education in Victoria on June 7. That meeting, involving - Dr. Fisher, Mr. Lorne Thompson, and Mr. Sandy Maclver, proved to be somewhat useful in clarifying Ministry assumptions regarding the college's role in the future. ., considerable amount of time during this past month was taken up in attending major conferences - one of which was the ACCC Con- ference in Montreal, from May 29 to June 1, - the other one being the BCAC Conference ~~ ARCHIVES in Fort St. John last weekend. The two con- | ferences were attended by a total of five different Board members. They will be re- | porting on the significance of these confer- | ences separately. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT On June 3, the Educational Policy and Plan- ning Committee held a workshop to review the work done to date on the 5-Year (Stra- | tegic) Plan. They presented their formal critique to me at their regular meeting of June 8. This criticism, coupled with that received from the Applied and Academic Divisional Chairmen and Directors, is prov- ing to be most helpful as we carry out final work on the Plan. The bulk of the assembly of information | for the plan has been completed and is now in the hands of the Board. Two further critical documents are under final prepara- tion - one being the College assumptions regarding productivity over the next five years, and the other being our plans for the program mix of the College, both under the scenario requested by the Ministry, and alternatively that requested by the College Board. The work on these two items will have been completed within a week. The College must further develop its rela- tionship with the CEIC as a significant federal and local agnecy, and as a source of potential funding for certain types of programs. To this end, I have continued meeting with key officials - the last meeting being with Ms. Jo Mitchell, Special Consultant on Women's Programs and Mr. Dan Henslow, Director of Institutional Train- ing for the B. c. Yukon Region. As a result of this meeting, we have been | encouraged to make submissions to the Min- istry of Education in certain areas of Bus- iness Training, and in relation to a Spec- ial Needs TRAC proposal. In addition, we will be hosting a special meeting of manag- ers of CEIC local offices in the College region, with the support of the regional headquarters.