MAD HATTER PAGE 10 OTHER DISCUSSION MARKETING STRATEGY: A general outline of a marketing plan for the College was presented to the Publicity Committee by Bill Bell. It was agreed that this rough outline should be published in the Mad Hat- ter. Faculty and department heads will be asked for feedback as to their comments/views on the plan. ie. what they believe should be marketed; what they feel is the usefulness of their course(s), services etc., their various goals, what they see as the marketing situation as it relates to their department, and areas of impor- tance. It was suggested that the Publicity Committee also review the various Program and Department descriptions on hand, in order to draw on infor- mation as to what different Programs & Departments have seen as being of marketing value in the past. GENERAL It was recommended that a chart/cal- endar of publicity events for the Col- lege should be set up, and that the Publicity Committee would 'work a- round' such a calendar. (ie. to re- duce conflicts etc.) It was also reaffirmed that while the Publicity Committee would act as a funneling and co-ordinating unit for Plans and ideas of publicity value to the College, the Public Information Office was still the body responsi- ble for acting upon projects of this nature. The Publicity Committee was informed of the Public Information Office's intention to run a contest involv- ing College personnel. The purpose of the contest would be to spot any errors in the 1982/83 Douglas College | Calendar, thus enabling the discs to | be 'cleaned up! for future use. The person spotting the most errors would. be declared the winner.and would re- ceive a bottle of Grand Marnier as the grand prize. NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting of the Publicity Committee would be held May 11 at 1400 hours. Members to be informed of location. ADJOURNMENT