D - SAFETY COMMITTEE - DOUGLAS COLLEGE OUGLAS COLLES Minutes of Meeting held 3:30 p.m. Thursday, 26 February 1976 New Westminster Campus ‘Present: John Beardsfey Chairperson (Admin.) Debbie Higgins BCGEU Local 62 Doug Cohoon BCGEU Local 62 Lloyd Pond Faculty Bob Lisson Assistant Bursar Bob Lisson reported the facts involving a Bomb scare on the Surrey campus and another incident involving a student which resulted in the student being taken to the Hospital. A proposed procedure for handling Bomb threats was discussed for the benefit of the new members. The proposal, prepared by the Assistant Bursar will be presented to College Council for final approval. First Aid requirements for the college were discussed. The WCB has offered to send a representative from the First Aid section to discuss problems and to suggest solutions. The exhaust fan for the Surrey Cafeteria is to be installed in the ceiling and roof of the cafeteria and while the fan is on site the installation, which requires 4 fairly large opening will be done as soon as possible. (weather permitting). A follow-up will be made to determine when an inspection will be made of the Surrey Admissions area. A new WCB pamphlet "What to do in case of fire in an office building" was discussed. With the exception of the two story administration/ classroom building on the New Westminster Campus, evacuation of office spaces does not appear to be a major problem of Douglas. Weekly Safety checks have to date not pointed out any severe safety problems. Those minor ones which have been noted will be rectified. Next meeting will be scheduled for the last Thursday of March which . will be 25 March 1976 at the New Westminster Campus.