amt LEGE LIBRARY elie U.8.C. ENDOWMENT LANDS A committee has been formed in Vancouver to Oppose the use of the U.B.C. Endowments Lands for nousing and to UEGe Ene Greatuon Of a park there instead, The collece has been invited to send representatives to this committee. If any SEUGERES, “Start or faculty members are intérested in Teer wuine thas invitation on -pehal? oF the sOllege could they vlease contact me at Sarrey Canpus; Institutes Of fice, Room S208 Fm baie 58S—44 1 iT GXESn'S LOR Zeus arry Leach ANNOUNCEMENT Sf +h nme SO¢ial Sciences Lab. . ? announce the eer, Mavis Dalzel]