March 14, 19911 the Other Press yards. This was not the fancy dinner that I had planned, but it would be fun, and they would not be a bit suspicious of the coming events. They were both due to.eome home from work at 9330) and generally they are not latejand today they did not stray from that ritual. Their car rolled into the driveway and before I realized that it was them, I heard footsteps making their way up the worn frent steps. As I waited for them, my mind constantly hashed over the Many intricate things that I had thought of saying. But I was suddenly awakened by the sound of the front door opening. I quickly ran to light the candles on the table. I wanted everything to be perfect. By the time we had sat down to dinner, it became quite noticeable that between the smell of the chicken and flickering of the long tapered candles that their long tired faces had become fresh and joyful. When the last drumstick had been eaten and all the plates that were laden with many bones and white forks were finally pushed aside, I realized that it was now or never. __The air was suddenly filled with silence as I started in with my big announcement. "Mom and Dad , there is something I want to tell you." My throat started to seize up as I realized my parents were listening to my every syllable. I pushed on again quickly knowing there was no turning back. "I want to tell you that..." Their eyes had blown up into large spheres as they sat perched upon their two chairs like two determined judges ready to deliver a verdict upon me. The last two words fell off my tongue,"I’m Gay." As the words took hold upon them, I sat waiting for their first reactions. But I somehow knew that I had reached the point that even though I cared deeply for these people, I was the one who was my own judge and jury. Their feelings, whether they were positive or negative, didn’t matter. I like myself, every piece of whol am. ‘Lfe) 7) 5 Te MT, (2) SRL © #1 Ore /O Y SO 9, a Me ot just sex, understand phrase over se they are ionally and if around by ed people ality as a Those do not see emotional tation that ity. Pople fall in e for each omforting friend or ale human being. The ences are © people ften love men love y women p tears of wrong, but to a sense of equi e midst of and humanity with which ea Gay and of us are born. It is my wish to perience the help germinate and foster these one loves seeds of humanity, tolerance her, it is and understanding. 4 ey are your ot) Just Sex can often love men emotionally, Just as do straight women. However, and this is where the only difference exists, gay men are predominatly attracted to other men, gay women are predominatly attracted to other women. One could then say that Bay is just sex." But as I stated before, sex is not bad or wrong. If sexual attraction with another consenting adult is bad, then would’t all forms of sexual attraction be equally wrong? I don’t refer to a moral or religious sense of right or 77 oO 77 C <7) S es // res) ¥ em §6©=Nobod ye ied) ] Vaal? Recs Hi there, I’m bisexual. Nobody knows that I am bi or even that I might be. My best friend doesn’t know, my work mates, my class mates and my parents don’t know. This can be really difficult because it means that I have to deny who I really am. I hurts me that I cannot be fully honest with my best friend. I fear that he would only think that we are friends because I am attracted to him. I’m not though. To me he’s only my best friend, someone to go out for beers with, someone to tell my problems to. However, he is openly homophobic. I know that if I ever told him the truth, he would not want to be my friend. That hurts. A man walks down the street. I think "Hm, he’s not bad bu Being Bisexual is not easy, in i] ct it’s very hard. It’s easy fnough to come to terms with the fact that you are physically and sometimes emotionally attracted to someone of the same sex. Then comes the hard part. You start questioning yourself about what this means. "Does this mean’ that I am gay? Ohno, this means T¢an’t be with someonesof the Opposite sex?" Then you start reading up on all the stuff about homosexuality. All lot of the stuff you find in the school library is outdated garbage written by heterosexuals. You begin to believe that this is the way you are and there is no cure’ or it, Then you meet someone of the opposite gender and you really like them. looking", but 'tellino-one else. T am afraid to walk up to that rson and ask him or try and hint at him,that T might be interested. | If you are heterosexual,-and you see a beautiful woman walkdown the street, don’t you usually turn to whoever you're with at the time and comment on her? Try and imagine how alone you would feel if you constantly had to keep that inside because it is unacceptable to show attraction to a member of the opposite sex. I met this man, and I fell in love with him. He is heterosexual, I am bisexual. He does not know that I am in love with him or that I am bisexual. This person is oblivious to me and my emotions. This hurts me. This may turn some people off, or offend them or even (god Op "Oh no, what does this fan? I’m not suppose to have fhese feelings. I’m suppose to be gay, I think. Oh, maybe I ’m bisexual then. Hm, now this makes sense, I think." But you are not sure. So then you start reading up about bisexuality. There isn’t much available but you _ find something. Then you start you talking to people in the gay community. This confuses you even more. You are told that there is no such thing as bisexuality and you are just fence sitting. "Make up your mind," they say. "You’re either gay or straight." Then you meet other bisexuals. Now you know that you are not alone. They feel the same way. Now you finally understand. Sonow you know its alright to have a relationship with the opposite sex. So you get involved with someone. But here come the hard part. Having to come out to them. Now that is hard. You can’t deal with the fact that they might reject you. So you run away from it rather then dealing with it. Thén you fall in love with someone of the same sex who is also bisexual. But they are in love or lust, with somebody of the opposite sex. This is why, being bisexual is not easy. In factit’s really hard. But when you're comfortable with your Sexuality you can deal with it. Why do people have to complicate sexuality? We should love and be with whom ever we please) without people imposing absolutes. y Knows About Me forbid) disgust you. But you have to try and look at it from my point of view. I have this unprofessed love for a person. I have to go for the rest of my life with this love, or at least until I am ready to "come out.” If I had this love for a woman, and for some reason, say religion, I could not profess my love for her, it would be considered romantic and tragic. But just because people have a fear of gays or lesbians or bisexuals, I cannot profess my love and I live in constant fear of being discovered. Since high school, I’ve known that I have been bisexual. I wanted desperately to go out with some with some of the girls that had been in my grade, but I have also had some enormous