Mad Hatter Page 11 ACTIVITY STATEMENTS: | DOUGLAS COLLEGE Wein) ARCHIVES : REF. STATEMENT DATE B:1 1. Delimit a core (minimum) two-year academic 1983-84 Bs2 B: 3 B:4 Cir 2a Ti program defined in terms of range of disci- Plines, subjects and minimum numbers of full- and part-time students required to Sustain an efficient, economical offering. Identify a core program or groups of pro- 1983-84 grams in the fields of: | - Commerce and Management — Health Care and Maintenance | - Social Services rs Developmental Education - Performing Arts defined In terms of range of objectives/ subjects and minimum number of full- and Part-time students required to sustain an efficient, economical offering. Apply the information generated in (1) to 1985-86 the assumptions contained in (2) in order to modify, if necessary, the configuration of the academic offering. Design, implement and analyze a survey of 1983-84 training needs in the College region in commercial and industrial enterprises. Prepare submissions to the Ministry of 1984 Education on information generated in (4) above in terms of provincial and National priorities. Depending on priority assigned, imple- 1984-85-86 ment new programs, using resources freed, if necessary, through reduction of non-core activities. Maintain active membership in the Lower ON-GOING Mainland Co-operative Planning Committee. Establish and approve criteria for ranking 1982-83 of program offerings by priority. Annually review all planned and existing ON-GOING College programs in terms of priority.