Mad Hatter Page 2 D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOUR RELATIONS A meeting was held with the Excluded Per- sonnel last week, at which time I informed them of my intentions regarding recommenda- tion to the Board on the conditions of em- ployment of excluded personnel over the next year. At that time, I received useful suggestions which have been passed on to the Finance, Facilities & Personnel Commit- tee of the Board for further investigation. It is my understanding that negotiations are continuing with the BCGEU, but that ne- gotiations with the ‘Douglas/Kwantlen Facul- ty Association have ceased until September. As a result of very careful cost control over the past fiscal year, and good fortune in a number of areas of budget contingency, we are in a healthy financial condition. On the assumption that the Ministry's fore- casts to us during the past year regarding this year's Operating Budget will in fact be adhered to, I have informed the Deans and the Bursar that I see no need for layoffs of regular College employees due to finan- cial stringencies at this time. One redund- ancy proceeding which was under way has been cancelled as a result of my decision, with the faculty member involved being reassigned. I am not contemplating further reductions to the administration at this time, for the same reason. This decision arises out of a current, per- haps short-lived, situation. Should the financial situation change, the Board will be informed immediately. E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL Mary Beth Bosshard, one of our Community Programmers, has been given an appointment at the University of British Columbia, pro- gramming in the Humanities area. We are pleased that Beth's work with Douglas Col- lege enabled her to successfully apply for the position, and wish her well in her fut- ure endeavours. She will be missed by all of us. The Board will remember that it referred the Policy Statement on Conflict of Inter- est back to the administration for further examination, following a presentation by the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association. I have referred the matter to Mr. Doerr who is carrying out a review as specified by the Board, with the assistance of the other Deans and the Bursar. Mr. Doerr tells me that he expects that a recommend- ation from the Management Committee can be expected in early September, and therefore that the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee of the Board will have a re- vised document for their examination at their regular September meeting. Processes of review of applications for the position of Community Resource Development Officer are just about complete. It is expected that a short-list will be devel- oped over the next week, following which interviews will commence. Mr. Ed Redmond, formerly Dean of Applied Programs, and currently Staff Assistant to the President in charge of development of the 5-Year Plan, will be going on holidays at the end of this month, prior to his re- tirement in August. The position of Dean of Applied Programs is currently being ad- vertised. I expect that the processes of review and interview will not be complete until the end of the summer. “Mr. Redmond has tabled with me a report of the Committee to review the Governance System. At its next regular meeting, I will be acquainting the Board with the substance of that report. Qur Personnel Department sponsored a high- ly successful pre-retirement workshop for 32 staff, faculty and administrators and spouses on June 6. Response was enthusi- astic and further such activities are be- ing planned. Correction The Maple Ridge Centre of Douglas College will re-open August 22, 1983. NOT August 2, as previously published.