EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - CONT' MAD HATTER PAGE 4 | IAL EDUCATION BURNABY SCHCOL DISTRICT INTERNATIONAL EDUCAT ADMINISTRATIVE OPPORTUNITIES PROJECT OFFICER, International Office, PURCHASING AGENT: This is a senior ACCC, alt SONSUIGK "Ss Road, Willowdale, acministrative position responsible for Ontario M2J 468. the purchasing operation of the school Responsible for the develooment and district, including management of stores, administration of technical assistance transportation and specific budget with developing countries in Africa and functions. The successful candidatsa the Caribbean. will report to the Secret -Treasurer # and is expected to play a eis in the Salary Range: $23,000 to $32,000. district's management team. ; Pee HEAD OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING, Anglican Vocational Training Centre, Farafenni, Successful candidates will receive a salary commensurate with the respon- Gambia. Sibilities of this senior Management _ Berend - position. A complete resume should be Responsible for design and development forwarded no later than June 1, 1981 to: of technical curriculum and for stafé Peter Boyle, Secretary-Treasurer, School training. District 41 - Burnaby, 5325 Kincaid Street, FOR FURTHER DEATAILS ON THE ABOVE Burnaby, B.C. VSG 1w2. POSITIONS, CALL BARRY LEACH. PERSONNEL ASSISTANT: This position in- volves a wide range of personnel ad- Ministration including testing and luring of non-teaching staff, administer- FACULTY EXCHANGES - 1981-92 ing personnel policy, labour contracts _ a 5 ae . and assisting in personnel relations and exchanges with U.K. and Australia are negotlations. still available, including: , Paddington Collece, London. - Secretar- Successful candidates will receive 2 = 1lal.Studies, salary commensurate with training and Sunderland College - English Lit., experience in the $20,000 - $25,000 Fabrication Engineering, Sociology Tenge. A complete resume should be for- and Economics, Physical Sculpture. warded no later than June 1, 1981 to: Call Cheryl McLachlan at (416)497-760S. Brian Bastien, Personnel and Labour “ Relations Department, School District 41 - Burnaby, 5325 Kincaid Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 1W2. MEDICINE HAT COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS Requires DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN, to provide THE CANADIAN COLLEGE GUIDELINES The Canadian College Guidelires for pro- jects of Institutional Cooperation are —_— —- cynamic leadership Tor our two year new available as a basis for cooperation University Transfer Program, Two year with Third world Institutions. Faculty Business Administration Diploma Program, or staff with ideas for orojects which One year Secretarial Science Certificate could extend our colleges' expertise in Program. Salary Range $25,700 - $37,800 the fields of agriculture/horticulture, (Masters grid 1981-82 includes Department nealth education, community development, Chairman stipend). scientific and srofessional developrent, Duties +o comence July L, 1981. Com ousiness management, engineering and_ petition closes at noon, May 29, 1981. applied sciences, etc. to Third World Interviews will commence June 3, 1981. SOURCE ASS » PSase concact barry ie ae Apply to: C.J. Meagher, President, CiDA funding 1s ceing made available, Medicine Hat College, 299 Collece Drive, Medicir ye, = 7 “t = feqici £ harea T1712 re ©3.E., Mecicine Hat, Alberta TLA 3¥5