ae (Surrey, Langley, I THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 core MS. ED'S NOTES: Mad Hatter deadlines: are Thursday mornings noon, to be exact. It is made up in the afternoon and goes to printing for distribution by Monday. Send copy to Mad Hatter/ Surrey, typed on one side of a white sheet of paper so it can be cut up to fit into the columns... Precis lengthy articles or an- nouncements pls, or it won't get in. Small classifieds also accepted, except for real estate. You're all invited to the Big Brothers' 3rd annual dinner and dance at the Langley Civic Centre Sept. 25, and at the same time you would be helping to put on other activities for the little brothers. Cocktails at 6:30, a smorgasbord at 7, followed by dancing from 9 to l a.m. to music by the Orbitones. For tickets call Ken Moore/S, local 251 and help the Big Brothers help their little brothers. If you could spare a few hours of your time why not become a Big Brother to one of the dozen little ones in the Langley area haping for a_man's companion- ship occasionally. Call Ken. Another D.C. T.V. star has surfaced: Move over, Ken. For some time now,’ our Theatre Program lady, Dorothy Jones, has been hosting a Western Cablevision program called Focus on the Arts. It is an interview and activity type of program with local New Westminster) talent coming on the program to talk about their spinning, weaving, dancing or whatever and perhaps dem- onstrating their art. "Lots of work, and lots of fun -- but no pay," is how she summarizes it. However,one problem with such a show is having to constantly come up with ideas of new people to bring in and she was begging me the other day to come up | Pot tens: Poor Dorothy has no phone in her new Essondale office so call Pauline in Fine Arts and leave ,a message if you have any ideas for her. 225/S. CORRECTION In the September 7, 1976 issue of The Pinion, the updated and approved INSTRUCTIONAL POLICIES were printed with the notation that they had been approved by Principal's Council on August 24, 1976. This is true EXCEPT FOR GRADING OF LATE ASSIGNMENTS. This item was referred to the Curriculum Committee for further consideration, and re-submission to Principal's Council. The revised statement will be published as soon as it is available. Please accept my apologies for any confusion this error may have caused. George Wootton Se = sees FROM: Jean Buzan . RE: Slide-Tape Presentation With enormous assistance from the Library and IRC Personnel I am creating a slide-tape presentation called "Remember: "They" are no longer young." It purports to be a guide on communication for those involved with older people but is actually very much "tongue-in-the-cheek." It might be useful in any class concerned with communication, group dynamics, personal development, etc. etc.’ Marlene Silcock's illustrations are delightful and the narration done by Nicholas Lewis and myself is fun - but may make even you take a look at your- self!