Page 6 4.13.2 If any office on the Executive Comaittee, other than the President, becomes vacant the lixecutive Committee shall cause a Full Member of the Association to be appointed to serve until the next regular meeting. 4,13.3 If, at ahy time, more than fifty per cent (592) of the offices of the Executive Committee should become vacant the Ombudsman shalt cendtuct an election within two weeks, in accordance with the ahove election procedure (excepting rhe date of tie election) to rive Conrmiitcee ro serve until the select a nev next nornal election. 4.13.4 If, at any tine, the offiee ot Ombudsman becomes 2 a > vacant the Executive Committee shail immediately inform the Full Members of the Assocsacion, by mail, and le co shall within two weers cepdick an election of a aew Qmbudeman, by moil, co strive mati: the next nermal election of Ombudsman. 4.135 Jf, at any time, one oF heth af tee effices of auditor become vacunt the Eyecutive Cowarcree shall immediately inform the full nf the Association, by mail, and shall within two weeks conduct an election of a new auditor or auditors, oy mail, te serve until the next normal election of auditors. Quorum 4,14 A quorum af the Executive Commit eve shall consist of sixty per cent (607) and no fever than four of its members. Impeachment 4.15 Any member of the “yecutive Comiitiee can be impeached and/or removed from ofrice by a vibe of two-thirds majority of the Voting Members presence and voting by secret bal 1} é lot at anv meeting ob bie Association. Salaties 4.16 Mo Director ehsll receive a salary oF atner remuneration from the Society. FINANCIAL 5.1 _The Treasurer Loperner with the President and one other OPERATION Director appeinted by the ryecutive Committes | empowered to operate a 7ank secount end to draw, make, accept, endorse, digeowit, execute, and issue aromis- lis ef exchange, and other negotiable es sory notes, bi : or transferable ver the purpose of this : : section, the signatures of any two of the three 5 Directors named suall be requirea. (2/