humour // no. 17 14// vol 46 The ‘Other’ Other Press > In the news this week... Erin Meyers Contributor i ___— a SANTA’S SLEIGH: JOY BRINGER.. OR CARBON EMISSIONS SLINGER? ae mm! 6ests a ffecte4 ™ WITE STEALING ie home ee HAASE — Soe ———— =e eee a _ _ * SA few = = “= ea at re rF th. = « | 7 an Ly TRESS p= Se! ee BLACK FRIDAY SELLS OUT: A F SENSE OF PRODUCT VALUE OU eee a Se ABRICATED HEIGHTENED TOF STOCK EVERYWHERE! Ad om bexis aAsfeched ry WIFE SYEALING —— a ame => HAASE inte kd S33 SS Se ee = *