> Don’t drink the pink Kool-Aid Cazzy Lewchuk Opinions Editor s you probably know, October is breast cancer awareness month. The pink ribbon—and pink in general—is everywhere. Stores sell buttons or ribbons you can buy by donation to raise awareness. Marathons are organized all over to raise money for research, and to give your female relatives a chance to show off their pink feather boas and odd bras. Let’s be clear: Breast cancer, like any cancer, is a very serious and tragic issue. Pretty much everyone knows someone who has beaten or passed away from this awful disease. Although it mainly affects women, men are also capable of getting it. It is not something to be taken lightly, and it is one of the most common medical causes of death today. Fighting cancer remains a frustrating and serious medical issue. There are hundreds of kinds of cancers, each with their own treatment efforts and present dangers. Breast cancer is one of the most common and terrifying occurrences. It is incredibly important to raise awareness of the risks and symptoms, especially in preventative measures, such as mammograms. Giving your money to “cancer research” can feel like Stop targeting Muslims > Islamophobia in the world today Cazzy Lewchuk Opinions Editor here are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, with a significant following in pretty much every country on Earth. Like every religion, Islam has many different sects, viewpoints, and diversity in its followers. They are guided by common beliefs about Muhammad and his teachings, but otherwise the people who follow it are just as diverse as any other group. Muslims exist in every country on Earth and come from all races and backgrounds. The term “radical Islam” is gaining traction. Indeed, many terrorist groups, such as ISIS, are a form of extreme Islam. In the same way that the Westboro Baptist Church (who regularly picket soldier’s funerals, believing their deaths to bea punishment from God) could be considered “radical Christians,” and do not speak for the vast majority of Christians, “radical Islam” groups do not represent Islam. Many believe using the term is essential to understanding and stopping these terrorist enemies, while others feel the usage of that term leads people to believe that killing is a core value of Islam (it’s definitely not) and that it leads to ignorance over what terrorism really is: Independent of any one religion. I cannot believe the amount of misinformation and fear that affects so much of the Muslim community. If some misinformed people are to be 4a Lr bh the right thing to do, but it can often do less good than you think it does. Many organizations that collect for this sort of thing do not give a significant amount of proceeds to actual scientific funding of cancer treatment, nor does it go to actual victims of cancer. It goes towards funding organizations that are sometimes for-profit instead of charities. This is especially true if it’s a non-cancer related product that’s suddenly pink for October; they're still using the ribbon to make a profit, even if they donate some of the money to (allegedly) fighting the disease. Ironically, some of these products contain ingredients that actually increase someone’s chance of Image via Thinkstock believed, all Muslims want anyone who isn’t a Muslim dead, believe all women should have no rights whatsoever, are hopeful for a collapse of Western society as we know it, and are secretly working towards a theocracy dominated by oppression and terrorist tactics. If all 1.6 billion Muslims in the world really wanted to take over and eliminate any and all non-Muslims, you’d think they would have done so already. It is true that cultural differences in certain areas can lead Muslims to have a The depressing industry of breast cancer awareness getting breast cancer. So much for reducing the disease in the future—but hey, it’s something else to collect money for! A lot of organizations collect for breast cancer during this month. If youre going to donate, do your research and make sure you feel comfortable with whoever youre giving your money to. Better yet, donate the money directly to a breast cancer victim, or donate the gift of time. Fighting cancer seems to have gone from helping people who are sick and helping people not get sick, to a whole industry with a shallow promise of increasing research and awareness. | don’t like to get too conspiracy theorist on big ideas about non-Muslims and Western culture that are foreign and perhaps even detrimental to us. Many countries have Islam coded into law, and have horrible human rights records. However, there are also many Islamic countries that are democratic and beautiful places to live. In addition, the rules/interpretations by certain governments do not represent that of all their citizens. Many Muslims in North America are immigrants, or recent descendants of immigrants. Some are refugees, coming to our country as it is a safe zone in contrast to the war-torn areas theyre originally from. Much Islamophobia comes from the misguided belief that someone whose house was bombed by ISIS has the same values as an ISIS member. Refugees are very thoroughly screened for behaviour that could jeopardize the safety of Canada/America, and if they don’t pass, we don’t let them in. Muslims are human beings. They have their own dreams, values, and lives, just like Christians, athiests, or anyone Image via usaghumphreys on Flickr pharma organizations or medical research, in general. | don’t quite believe companies are working to suppress a cure so they can make more profits, but I do believe cancer awareness has left its roots. Ultimately, we should be working for the victims and their medical care, not for the industry and foundations sprung up in their shadows. Cancer research does a lot of good, and most of the funding at least goes indirectly to helping people—such as providing resources for free mammograms, for example. Ultimately, what causes we support Is up to us, but it’s important to know what the causes are, and what the best way to help out really is. else. A Muslim is someone who follows the principles and teachings of Muhammad, whom they believe to be a prophet of God/Allah. Although the Quran is a significant text valued by many and believed to be the Word of Allah, it is not taken literally by many Muslims, just as most Christians don’t take everything in the Bible at face value, either. People fear what they don’t understand. Those who worry about the popularity of Islam or are afraid of Muslims are guided by ignorance and misinformation. Most of all, they miss the humanity aspect: I’m sure they’ve never been friends with a Muslim and gotten to know the person behind the faith. Many respected celebrities are Muslims: Shaquille O’Neal, Cat Stevens, and the late Muhammad Ali, to name a few. Hopefully, the spread of misinformation and fear- mongering about human beings with certain religious beliefs will stop soon. It’s one of the most ridiculous and terrifying forms of prejudice so noticeable around us today and it is.