August, 1987 ——- Se a ee The Teaching Professor A Checklist Course Materials Review Instructions. Sometimes it helps to look at materials with some fixed criteria in mind, This checklist offers a beginning set of guidelines. You can use it generally: Read over the items and then look at your course materials. Or, use it more precisely: Assign each item a number on a five-point seale, for example. Be forewarned though, this is a checklist, not an empirically verified instrument. So, take numerical results with a grain of salt. Other uses? Remember that colleague you talked about your teaching with last month? Share several of your course materials with him, attach the relevant parts of the checklist and ask for some candid input. One more possibility: The editor has (and will mail to you upon request) a version of this checklist that can be completed by students, Maybe before major revision of course materials, you ought to see what the "users" think about them. Course Syllabus Identifies instructional resources -- books, films, speakers Outlines the sequence of topics to be covered Describes evaluation procedures Includes a elass or activity schedule or calendar Lists major assignments and due dates Contains information about the faculty member, i.e. name, office address, office hours, phone number Includes a statement or description of course objectives Is structured to make information clear and easily understood auaen Assignments (as they appear on the syllabus or elsewhere) Produce meaningful and challenging learning experiences Include a variety of activities which are responsive to varying student interests, abilities and learning styles Are appropriate to course objectives and content level Are spaced at appropriate intervals in the course Are challenging but not overly burdensome Prepare students for more complex courses in this subject area Exams An Ungraded Copy: Contains content consistent with course objectives -- in other words, the instructor is evaluating students on what she believes they ought to be able to do or know Contains items written so that the intent of the questions is clear and explicit Covers manageable amounts of material in terms of time allocated for studying it Requires analysis and application of content as opposed to regurgitation of details | A Graded Copy: Includes written comments which give some feedback about both right and wrong answers Presents written comments that are clear and readable Includes some explanation of how exam scores were calculated ae SRB ae ea PI RTS STB A gS YR RG ERR EC