PERSON OF THE YEAR Norma Kidd, an Adult Basic Educa- tion (ABE) instructor at the Maple Ridge campus of Douglas College, has been named “Person of the Year” by Region Ten of the National Council of Community Services and Continuing Education (NCCSCE). The “Person of the Year” award is granted to the person who best helps to promote education among adults in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, Alaska and Brit- ish Columbia. Kidd, however, takes the honour in stride. As the chairperson of both Project Literacy B.C. and the ABE Associa- tion of B.C., she says the award rightfully belongs to the core group of about 40 volunteers and profes- sionals who make up the provincial literacy task force. The group’s purpose is to make reading and writing programs available to adults across the province. Official estimates place the number of illiterate adults in B.C. at 274,000; however, when different levels of reading and writing abilities are added, that number could be as high as half a million adults. “Some people have a Grade 12 education but still face problems when it comes to reading a story, keeping a chequebook, or writing a driving test,” she says. Last year, Kidd was among a group of adult educators invited to work with American public television on the problems of illiteracy. Soon afterwards, she helped gather together the group, Project Literacy of B.C. “Project Literacy is a group of very committed and energetic people, and the “Person of the Year” award is really everyone’s award,” Kidd says. The project has been featured on more than 30 television and radio shows, plus many more newspaper $s Mad Hatter Douglas College Newsletter articles. Since starting a year ago hundreds of adult British Colum- bians have been put into contact with education programs in their communities. continued on page 2 ARTSMART Drawing and painting are terrific ways for young people to express themselves, but parents are often hard pressed to recognize whether their child is a potential da Vinci or just doodling. This spring, the Burnaby Art Gallery and Douglas College are sponsoring a special two- session program titled “ArtSmart: Introducing Your Child to Art” to help parents of elementary school-aged children. Continued on following page Artsmart Volunteer Week Financial Aid Bulletin Notices Douglas College Athletic Awards IN THE HAT Orientation Program President's Report Admissions Policy Charter of Rights & Freedom Student Services 1987 Summer Schedule Group Advising Sessions Career Seminar National Forum on Post Secondary Education Cultural Study Programs Innovation Abstracts