INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / November 26, 1991 Briefs Memo from Accounts Payable The last 1991 cheque run for suppliers’ invoices will be processed on December 15. Invoices that must be processed must be submitted to Karen Jones in Accounts Payable by Dec. 10. Invoices/cheque requisi- tions received after Dec. 10 will not be processed until the cheque run on Jan. 15, 1992. For more informa- tion, call Chris Worsley at 5368. m Submissions for INSIDE li you have submissions for the first 1992 issue of INSIDE, to appear Jan. 7, the Public Information Office is asking that you get your material to us by noon on Tuesday, Dec. 10. @ Changes to D.C. telephone directory (and blue pages) Add to blue pages Gerry Della Mattia (ADMIN) 5246 Lorna McCallum (E & C) 5284 Sherry Chan (ADMIN) 5439 Change in directory Maureen McGee (ADMIN) 5152 Marie Holder in Health Sciences should read Divisional Clerk- Applied Programs. Change in directory and blue pages Connie Hamre (STU SER) 5101 Mary Moorecroft (REG) 5344 Deletions from blue pages Jean Joyce (STU SER) hs have changes to local If telephone numbers, call Doreen Kreschuk at 5362. m Faculty Education Leave Faculty who are applying for Educa- tional Leave in 1992-1993 must submit their applications to Yvonne Mostert by 4 pm on Dec. 1, 1991. @ Bookstore Christmas Hours The bookstore will close at 2:45 on Dec. 6 and 13. On Dec. 23, 27 and 30, the bookstore will be open from 10 am to 2:30 pm. From Jan. 13-16, the hours are 9 am to 7:30 pm; Jan. 18, 10 am to 3:30 pm; Jan. 20-23, 9 am to 7:30 pm; on Jan. 25, 10 am to 3:30 pm. Regular hours (9 am to 4 pm) apply on dates not shown. The Used Book Buy Back takes place Jan. 8-9 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm in the concourse. If you need fur- ther details, call 5013. m Wheels for sale | 985 Dodge Lancer, excelllent condition, $4000 o.b.o. 1968 Mustang, fully restored. Contact Shirley Farrell (rm. 2622) or call 582-9112 (evenings). @ Spring 1992 Registration Information Spring 1992 Orientation a Dec. 17,1991 6 pm to 10 pm Spring 1992 Registration o Priority, Group & Weekend College Registration Jan. 6-9 am to 7pm a General Admission Jan. 7-8 am to 8 pm 2 General Admission Jan. 8-8 am to 8 pm a General Admission Jan. 9-8 am to 4:30 pm Registrar’s Office closed Jan. 10 a Late Registration Jan. 13-24 Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9 am to 7 pm Friday 9:30 am to 4 pm Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. & A Celebration and Reading Dale Zieroth will read from his recently published book of poetry entitled The Wacht bf Mu BR fyi led at 8 pm on Thursday, December 12, 1991, in the Studio Theatre, 4th Floor North. Everyone welcome.