De To foster professional development awareness through a regular column of the MAD HATTER, and through other means. Such activities to include Promotion of professional activities, both internal and external to college, book and other resource reviews, and other awareness and promotional activities. To act as the institutional liaison/contact person for provincial or national organizations dealing with professional development. To develop as resource of professional development materials and information for use of faculty. QUALIFICATIONS Minimum 3 year full-time, regular faculty status at Douglas College. Knowledge of the theories of adult learning and their application to the College environment. The demonstrated ability to work with faculty colleagues both on a one to one basis and with groups. Very strong interpersonal communications skills. INDIVIDUALS INTERESTED IN THIS POSITION ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT _ A CURRENT RESUME TO THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT BY NOVEMBER 6, 1987, QUOTING COMPETITION #87-042. October 8, 1987 |>