‘TWO STEPS FORWARD, _ONE STEP B BACKWARDS ‘Due to time production constraints of the Mad Hatter, we will be forgoing the use of graphics and bold headl and will be returning to the old style ee eee ee: Althougt this is not as attractive, we believe the . Hatter will be able to provide better service, . both in getting information out on time and implementing a new service. Starting this week, _the Mad Hatter will have a "Ha ngs" column which will list upcoming CE courses, guest speakers, music concerts, poetry read- ings, films, etc. We know this colum will a useful feature to the ~ staff “and. faculty of Douglas College. The Mad Hatter will now be coming out on Monday, which means it will be printed either Monday norning or Fri- day ees typed on Thursday . line for submissions will then be Ntyecedey 1100 hours. All submissions must be in writing, preferably typed. We would hope that in the new facili- ties, the Mad Hatter will be able to be produced in a more aestic style, but md then, we will continue to provide an excellent means to convey a message ‘to the staff and faculty of Douglas College. Submissions are to be sent to "Mad Hatter Winslow Site." Pascale Best Bill Bell Ae es, ‘The Registration Child-Mindi service offered by the Women's Centre and Douglas College Student ‘Society was a success in spite of a lack of advertising. Twenty six children, in total, were served for = AGEL OF 24 Hours Sone te tao! days. The Women's Centre would like stu- dents, staff, faculty, and admini- stration to make suggestions Ser ing services, resources, and act: ities. If you have any Sieec tae please contact Marian Exmann at ride Site, local Zeb ok Soap a, The Douglas College Instructional Resource Centre is fully engaged > to service faculty and staff needs. ‘The Douglas Centre is currently op- erating out of the Agnes Street with two media technicians. ee wishing media Prone or at. 524-5812. “The very. ‘nature ‘of our work keeps us out of the office a great deal of = time. Please leave a mes Edwards at 524-0371 or Pat Barrie at 588-4411, local 254 if we are not in.