eo een = + Sith a a nenyhicere © fone aesbcamessiede Snhaidtbeetines isan a: er or aa AS oe O rive ; , ad fo) fA c ir V\ q (@ i | Pot WATE hia ry at iD Cl Head, Ny Once upona tinse there was a bode Hed Wen who scratched bani aod uncavered some grains of wheat She calle db ; base Herghbours and sand, “lP we work together aud plant ths wheat. we will have conve fine bread to eat Who will be Np ries ploeet thre vabeeat 2° Not osaidthe Caw. Wot) © caubthe Duk. “Not bh Sard the Giant Thea ball, said the brite Red then and she cid ; ed toe Afier the wheat started gin ag the ground turned dry and there was no rain in sight “Who will help me water the wheat?” sad die Little Red Fen “Noth” said tie Cow. “Moi i said ithe Pig. “Equal rights,” said the Goose. “Then t val,” said the t He Red Wen wad che did The wheat gress ‘: hand toe ediato golden grain “Who will help me reap the wheat?” asked the Litthe fied Hen “Noth” satdthe Cow. “Not §" sand the Duck. “Out of my classification,” said the Pig. “Nott. said the Goose. "Theo twill,” said the Little Red Hen and she did When it came time to qrnd iis: flour, “Not 1," said the Cow, “I'd lose my unemployment insurance,” saul tiv Duck. When it came tune to bake Ue bread, ‘That's overtime for me,” said the Cow. “I'ma dropout and neve: leamed hoe. sand the Duck. “Id lose my welfare bouefits.” said the Pig. “tim the ooiy one helpuig, that’s dicamination,” sad the Gouse. “Then Twill, said the titda tied Hen and she did. She baked five loaves of fine bread and held them up four her nenytocuss to see e “Lwant sone.” said the Cow “twant some,” said the Duck. “fl want some,” said the Pig. “l demand wiy share, suid die Goose, “No,” said the tittle Red tec Lean rest fora while and eat five loaves myself.” “Exeess profits.” cried the © ovr “Capriatist leech! screamed the Duck. “Company fink,” grunted the Pig. “Douala hts.” screamed the Goose. And they Rurnedly pamured picket signs and toaaiched grown ihe bite Hed Hen stging, “We shall overcome.” Aid they did. For when the Farmer came to investigaie the commotion, he said, “You must not be greedy, little Red {lon Look attic oppresce | Cow. Look hi the disadvantaged Duck. Look at the undarprvilcged Pig Leuk at the loo, fortunate Goose You are guiity of making second-class citizens of them.” “But-but-but | earned the bread,” protested the Little Red Hen. “Exactly,” the wie Farmer sa:d “Thatis the wonderful free enterprise system; anybody in the ee Can ear as much as he wants. You should be happy to have all this free dom. In cilier bairnyards, you world have to give all five loaves to Wie Farmer. Here you give four loaves to your suffering seighbours And tiey lived Lappily ever aficr. Inctudiig the Little Red Hen, who smiled and clucked, “Lam grateful, bare grateful,’ But her neighbours wondered why she qaver baked any more bread, SA. ? ry lig Hy e ir Re \ A non-profit organization dedicated INDOELNOLWT QUBINE SS to the preservation of free enterprise eng enn rer mF Nene ee TRE SE | eR RRpRpRENRETPT AREER: Teme” Rts a eae vr - ~ oo Submitted by Murray Leslie