Sa &} DOUGLAS COLLEGE cc fp ARCHIVES § ae B.C. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE:S’ UNION ATL ALTLIATE GC THE CANA Fatt ABQUB GUase ott / TO: ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL November 1, 1985 FROM: B.C.G.E.U. BARGAINING COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS RE: OCTOBER 30 ISSUE OF MAD HATTER During the 1982 set of negotiations the B.C.G.E.U. Bargaining Committee argued vigorously for and were successful in obtaining December 24 and 31 as paid holidays for B.C.G.E.U. members. Our members continue to enjoy these negotiated days off. We were therefore surprised to read the announcement on page 11 of the October 30 Mad Hatter providing these two days off for employees who have not negotiated them. _The concept of a payroll deduction savings plan for Canada Savings Bonds -was tabled for contract negotiations in 1979, 1982 and 1984 by the B.C.G.E.U. After years of arguments and hard work we were finally successful in obtaining this provision in our Collective Agreement in 1984. The last issue of the Mad Hatter contained an announcement of the availability of the Canada Savings Bonds payroll savings plan for all regular employees. It is indeed gratifying to know that our initiative and hard work will benefit so many. Perhaps in the future we can look forward to receiving benefits for B.C.G.E.U. members that have only been available to others in the past. | Marian Exmann, Chairperson Barbara Edwards, Bargaining B.C.G.E.U. Local 59 Committee Member and Steward Douglas College Bargaining Unit Brenda Jack, Bargaining Committee Yvonne Mostert, Steward Member and Steward Bho UUs al Goreme ules ba the tno ser 4911 CANADA WAY, BURNABY, B.C. VG 3W3 .° TELEPHONE | 994) 251-9" ' ° SS a st