MS. ED'S NOTES: Following is the most recent nolicy for the Mad Hatter. A few additional notes will be added to it in the near future. Standard Mad Hatter submission forms are now being vut torether and will be sent to all staff and facultv in the college when they sre comnleted. 1. The Mad Hatter will he issued once each week, and submissions must be in to the mad office in Surrey by the Thursday morning prior to a Monday distribution. 2. No articles in excess of one nace will be carried, and no lengthy revrints from other vublications will be accented. 3. Long nosition napers, pronosals, volicy statements, etc., will be authorized by a Dean or Princinal and will be printed senarately in the apvropriate number of copies, usually 400, and given to the Mad Hatter office for inclusion as an anpendix. 4. The Mad Hatter staff will not nhotocony any brochure put out by any division of the college. 5. Comments and suggestions by staff, faculty, college administrators, students or anyone will be carried in the general format of a letter to the editor. 6. 11 reports will carry the name of the originator; all letters to the editor or items which comment on anything will, in addition, be signed personally by the contributor. 7. The editor of the Mad Hatter undertakes the resronsibility to ex- punge any obscene material, any contributions which are in shockingly bad taste, or anything which is libelous or scandalous in nature. &, Articles whould be single-sraced and must be tyned. Handwritten articles, illegible contributions, shotopranhs, etc., will be returned to the contributor with anĀ»ronriate notations. ( When the Mad Hatter form for submissions is com-leted, 211 submissions must be made on ite) le